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Dad: "Don't Screw It Up!!!" ... Me: "Kiss My Butt!!!"

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Brady...youz ain't a spoiled brat...I know how hot it was here on the 4th...youz nuts!


I'm just disappointed you didn't offer me a ride in the Porch. Midday wouldn't have worked as I no longer have my natural sun protection on my head.


Dad should be proud as most sons wouldn't do this to their own car much less the old man's...unless they wanted something.

It is still ugly.
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really i don't know how much preassure I should put on the PC.



None. If the pad loses that blur around the edges then you are putting too much pressure on it and it isn't doing what it is supposed to. This isn't a pressure game. Just let the pad and the weight of the machine do the work for you. Your job is just to move it around. If you put weight on it then it can't do its job.


“Cleanliness becomes more important as godliness becomes more unlikely.”

O C D E T A I L S . C O M


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  • 2 weeks later...

Finally got a good shot of the sun reflecting off the same fender as shown all swirled above! Still not the same angle, but you can see with the sun on it, the swirls are GONE!








And one more After to show the sun just off the most swirled section above


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looks great... how much work in time did you use per panel..


Just depended on the panel. The most rearward sections of the fenders I did twice since they were the most damaged. The hood probably took about 20 minutes to a half hour, the front fenders were probably about 10 minutes a piece, the doors were probably about 10 minutes a piece as well. The area on the spoiler (not too much painted really) took a long time because it was so badly oxidized and because you don't get the benefit of the whole pad working the area, so that little section might have taken as much as 20 minutes. That area under the spoiler hasn't been cleaned up completely either since I'm not going to be the one to disassemble the whale tail on his car. And I still figure with all the cracked paint on the one side, it seems silly to go for extreme perfection.


How about some shots of the entire car??


Nice job!


What did you dad say?


This time dad appreciated it right away. He got back from visiting my sister in Denver today and he called and asked if I washed his car since it looked much cleaner than when he left. Then he looked some more and noticed some of the other clean-up I did and he called back and said I got the best son award. :lol:


I'll probably grab the car one more time later this week so I might be able to get full pics then.

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Actually, I never did use the SSR1, just SSR2 and the Sonus Orange pad. I wasn't able to see any hazing when I was working on it. In direct sunlight, I can see a little, but seeing as how I did manage to find some of the brown primer, I don't want to take any more paint off if I don't have to. I think it might have been wetsanded or frequently scratched in that area since when I look very closely, I can see linear lines through the brown patch (primer). I do have a picture of that spot now, so I'll try to get that posted shortly.


As for how much ... I've used about 40% of the bottle of SSR2 on two cars, so I figure about 5-6 cars per bottle (maybe more, but there is the learning curve involved as well, so I might be able to stretch that to 7 or so when I get a little more comfortable using it).


Two coats of Wolfgang, and waited just over a week between coats ... just happened to be when I was able to get the car in my possession long enough to work on it.

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Ok, here's a shot of the Primer starting to show through the black. Since it's still polished, it still reflects like crazy, so it's hard to get a picture of it, but you can see the general effect where the discoloration shows at some angles. The paint here is in direct sunlight, but the reflection of the sky is shaded by me allowing you to see it.



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