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Stock Struts


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Ok thx guys ill prob just end up doing this then. Was it bouncy at all, My old car i put Tien s-techs on and after like 500 miles the car was real bouncy.




You may wnat to consider buying Bilsteins....

Rehab is for quitters.
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This is just temp till i get money for new shocks

I currently have stock struts with Tein H-techs. The car came this way (bought used) and the stock struts aren't quite blown but are not in the greatest shape.


In my honest opinion, I would just learn to be patient and do them both at the same time. This way you have a completely functional stock suspension to swap back into the car should you have to suddenly revert back to stock. Plus you would only be working on the car once thus saving you money if you're paying someone else to do this or time if you're doing it yourself.


Again, this is just opinion but I think it makes logical sense.

Good luck whatever you choose.

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