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Red spray tint


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After my recent failure trying to install the redouts I started looking around for other options to get rid of the amber section in my wagon tails. I started thinking about spray tint but have never used it or seen anyone that had. I found a few products on Ebay (http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/RED-JDM-LENS-SPRAY-PAINT-4-HEADLIGHT-TAIL-LIGHT-CORNER_W0QQitemZ150128555199QQihZ005QQcategoryZ33716QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem) and this place (http://shop.autoi.com/osb/itemdetails.cfm/ID/3575). The pictures I have seen look good but wonder if it would end up being like the film....5 feet away is good but up close it looks like ass. I found one thread here where someone used VHT Niteshades and liked the final product but I don't know if these products are any good. Has anyone had experience with these or any other red tint they would recommend?
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I have used the VHT niteshades on my headlights and taillights and I like it alot. the only trouble i found with it was after sometime in the sun and a few washes it lightened up a little, not a whole lot.
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