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orange spots on alloy wheels...

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Hi everyone. I have a pestering problem. On my alloy wheels there are parts where its an orange brown kind of color... I was wondering if there is any special kind of wash i can use to get these spots off...its more on the inside edge of the alloy wheels. i would take pics of it to explain further, but alas I don't own a digital camera.




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Does it look 'toasted'? Wheels can burn if they are exposed to too much heat and aren't protected. I've seen toasted wheels before. Unfortunately there isn't much to do about that problem. Also just as unfortunate is the fact that I can't be of much more help without seeing pictures of the problem. It is like trying to diagnose a noise that your car is making and you can't post a sound clip.


“Cleanliness becomes more important as godliness becomes more unlikely.”

O C D E T A I L S . C O M


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I'll see if i can get one of my friends to take a shot or two of it. And I am afraid that it is a bit on the toasted side. Hopefully I get get those pics soon....any way of protecting further damage? Thanks for your quick response!
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Starting with the easier end of problems to address ... it isn't rusting brake dust that never got washed from the wheels is it? At least you might be able to use clay to clean it up and then possibly clean it up with a paint cleaner.
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I'll see if i can get one of my friends to take a shot or two of it. And I am afraid that it is a bit on the toasted side. Hopefully I get get those pics soon....any way of protecting further damage? Thanks for your quick response!


The way you protect them from further damage is to wash them every week and remember that brake dust is corrosive and that wheels need care too.


While somethings are fixable, other things are just scewed up. You can't solve every problem caused by neglect. Keep the option open to get a new set of wheels. If they are looking burnt from neglect then chances are that there is some curb rash and maybe even a bend or two as well and it is probably time. I'd look into getting a replacement set and using these for winter wheels if that works for your climate. I'm not suggesting you get $5000 wheels or anything. Just find something you like or even just some replacement OEM rims.


“Cleanliness becomes more important as godliness becomes more unlikely.”

O C D E T A I L S . C O M


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