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So I swing into another Suby dealer today

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I have been poking around and getting some quotes from the area dealers and starting this long process up. I was originally gonna wait till spring to get my car but just may bump things up a couple months in my favor. The prices I have been given thus far have been in line with the likes of Edmunds . Today I stop at the last area dealer and he gives me a smoking quote to the tune of 260 dollars under invoice according to Edmunds. I even called the guy back to rehash the numbers and be sure he did not miss something. He reassured me it was an out the door price no add ons like advertising fee,etc. He would have to order it and it would take 4 weeks according to him but I'd figure more like 6 from what I have read here. No big deal as I am in no big rush for the car. On a side note I sat inside a Legacy for the first time today. I could see what others have said about seeming to sit high in the cockpit. I do love the interior though and the trunk was bigger than I expected. The seats seem to hug you pretty good and were comfy. I opened the hood to take a peek but the plastic shroud covers almost everything up. I was looking for the turbo charger and think I caught it on the passenger side about halfway back under the shroud. I need to test drive one as my next step.I am in love with this car and have yet to drive one LOL. I'm sure a test drive will only reaffirm things even more.Damn now with a deal like this in my face I may hafta make a move and get one on order, hafta tell the wife now.............
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Bolbo, I have thousands of posts on other forums (mostly motocross and dirtbike forums) and never a single time has "annoyingly difficult to read" been brought up to me.Sorry bro did'nt realize we were being graded on writing skills here (wich admittedly I have little).............jeeeez add me to your block list and you can save yourself the painstaking task of reading my blobs.
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KTM - It's all good. Even my old eyes, after 13 hours of editing today could make it all out. I love that sensation when you finally make the decision to go after a good buy, even knowing that there's going to be some delayed "gratification" while you wait for the delivery. Are you going for a sedan or a wagon, base GT or Limited? Just don't delay too long, or after-the-fact, to bring the wife into the process. My wife, who typically doesn't give a hill of beans about a car's asthetics, NVH and other stuff, was truly ga-ga over the new Legacy. Her first comment when she got in the car was mwoah, this is really "nice" and then continued to independently check out all the new "content" in the car. She's being a really good sport letting me get my LGT now knowing that she'll get an STI Forester next year if they bring it, or at least an FXT if they don't. In the meantime she'll be driving the 98 GT or the 99 Wagon but I suspect she'll want to borrow my LGT Wagon every now and then, especially since it made such a good impression on her. Bottom line-make sure you take your wife to look at it when you test drive it. Done deal! Keep us posted on your progress. SBT
- Pro amore Dei et patriam et populum -
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well for what it's worth, i usually won't read large paragraphs like that on web sites as i didn't read through the [b]first[/b] or [b]last[/b] post here lol. if we wanted to get scientifical about it, it probably affects people with larger monitors and smaller resolutions, as pages like this stretch wider for those individuals. as a result, you lose your line easy when moving your eyes from right to left at the end of a line. well, i think that's what it is anyway. i'm not saying anyone cares that i didn't read a post or not .. just saying why. :) i think it's good practice to break up the post if you want most people to get through it .. i just don't think most people would mention it like bolbo did. am i off topic? sorry, i don't know what we're talking about, i got lost in the large blocks of text :D
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Do we want to get "scientifical" about it?:lol: KTM, You visited the dealer, got a price quote and actually sat in the car. That's great! Get up the nerve to drive a Legacy (ask your wife, first).:rolleyes:
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[quote name='cosmos']And please, do add TWO spaces after periods. It makes things much easier to read. Paragraphs are good too! :)[/QUOTE] I've noticed on this site, that while always use 2 periods, that it looks like only one. Does using full html contribute to this?
- Pro amore Dei et patriam et populum -
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When dealing with proportional fonts, like on a web page, use a single space after punctuation. The proportional font already has additional space designed into the period character, for example. Use two spaces for a monospace font, like Courier, as in plain text e-mail messages, or when using a typewriter. [url]http://www.getitwriteonline.com/archive/011803.htm[/url] And this is [i]so[/i] incredibly off-topic. :D
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if you type out a post with spaces in the middle of the woods and no one hears it .. wait, .. if you type out a post with more than one space in between each word and they don't show up when viewing your post, .. are they still there? the answer is yes .. as a web developer i can assure you most likely this site is not dealing with proportional fonts, and the double space mystery is more due to the fact that HTML does not display more than 1 space between text unless you use special html tags such as   . ( which this forum will not allow since html is turned off. ( if you don't believe me, view source and check out this post :D )
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[quote name='KTM 525']I have been poking around and getting some quotes from the area dealers and starting this long process up. I was originally gonna wait till spring to get my car but just may bump things up a couple months in my favor. The prices I have been given thus far have been in line with the likes of Edmunds . Today I stop at the last area dealer and he gives me a smoking quote to the tune of 260 dollars under invoice according to Edmunds. I even called the guy back to rehash the numbers and be sure he did not miss something. He reassured me it was an out the door price no add ons like advertising fee,etc. He would have to order it and it would take 4 weeks according to him but I'd figure more like 6 from what I have read here. No big deal as I am in no big rush for the car. On a side note I sat inside a Legacy for the first time today. I could see what others have said about seeming to sit high in the cockpit. I do love the interior though and the trunk was bigger than I expected. The seats seem to hug you pretty good and were comfy. I opened the hood to take a peek but the plastic shroud covers almost everything up. I was looking for the turbo charger and think I caught it on the passenger side about halfway back under the shroud. I need to test drive one as my next step.I am in love with this car and have yet to drive one LOL. I'm sure a test drive will only reaffirm things even more.Damn now with a deal like this in my face I may hafta make a move and get one on order, hafta tell the wife now.............[/QUOTE] the first time i sat inside the LGT, i was immediately taken in by the styling, and quality of the interior. the reviews i had read prior to me seeing, as well as being in the leg were right on. the placement of the guages appeared to be driver oriented. the positioning of the head unit and HVAC controls were place in a way, that you could make your adjustments without taking your eyes off the road (granted this may be the case with other cars). when you said that you felt like you sat high in the cockpit - did you try moving the height adjust, or was this even after you had made the hieght adjustments to the driver's seat? i have mine set down as low as you can get it. i too, felt like i was riding a little high, but soon remedied that little issue. as echoed many times before, for what you're paying for, you are getting a lot of great features, standard. after having my LGT for a couple months now, it still doesnt phase me on what a deal i got on mine, as well as it's sleek looks and power.
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