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water trickling sound

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hello all,


I purchased a used 02 legacy GT a few weeks ago. i noticed that when its very quiet in my car i can hear some fluid trickling through a hose or pipe in the dashboard. not like it's leaking out but just flowing through.


when my car is cold, and i rev the engine a little, the trickling gets louder and sounds as if the fluid is moving faster in sync with the engine revs. the sounds is very faint but definitely noticeable


does anyone know what this could be?


thanks in advance


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you're right on the money. i'm an idiot and didnt check the coolant level. i opened the raditator cold and couldnt even see any fluid ;( there must be tons of air in my coolant lines. flushing and replacing this weekend! Thanks for the tip!!!
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Check the refill proccedure. Also get the additive from a dealer and make sure the coolant you use is good with AL and Cu.


The 02s had head gasket issues so I would recommend the additive. Dealer only unfortunately.


If you use coolant not conditioned for AL and Cu it will eat the heater core and plug up the radiator, electrolysis. The proper coolant is common just make sure you ask for the right stuff. (edit; yes distilled water is important also, don't know about soft)


There is a refill procedure that I do not have with me. It makes sure there are no air bubbles traped in the engine. The head design has pasages that can trap air. driving around doesn't aways clear the air. Anyone have access to it?





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Just reread that and it may be unclear.


You need coolant conditioned to protect AL and Cu. It has different additives than the old standard coolant for cast iorn blocks. Just read the side of the jug to make sure it is compatable with AL.


If you have electrolysis happening it is happening regardless of the coolant. You would know that is short order. Sorry that was unclear.





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thanks a lot for the help guys. I topped of the coolant with some soft water and the trickling sound is almost gone. i still hear it when i rev the engine a little bit but im sure the air will work itself out. i'm going to head to the subaru dealership and buy their coolant and the additive and flush and replace this weekend. thanks a lot for all of your tips!!!!
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