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anyone here get pulled over running a stop sign?

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I just got pulled over for "failure to stop at a stop sign"

I asked the officer if it was possible for a warning or nothing at all, but he says once the ticket is written, it's done.


There is no fine $ amount on the ticket, but only a court address and date.

He said though since I claim that my record was clean, I should plea for not guilty and for driving school instead, so that I get no points or a reduced fine or something like that..


The situation was, I was driving down towards an exit, downshifted from 5-4-3-2-1, ALMOST a complete stop, then went off. So technically, I didn't make a 0mph complete dead stop, but what people call a "rolling stop."


I know that I did not come to a complete stop, but he says I should plea not guilty? Even though technically I am guilty?? huh? :confused:


Inputs are appreciated. Thanks.

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