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LGT magazines?

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+1 on this forum over magazines.....it's free if you don't donate---which you should do, just to help a brutha out----and you don't have to wait a month just read new stuff.......


the only down side is that unless you have a decent laptop, no toilet/bathroom reading; and even then it's a crap shoot......

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i cant wait to see whats done the subiesport legacies...

i love the magazine, theses 2 legacys are a start, i just wish it wassent so impreza biaest.


Well, if you compare Nabisco to this site, the Nabisco folks are much more rabid performance junkies.


Well, okay, some peeps here can be pretty rabid too, but it's more common over there.


Besides, they haven't had any Legacies in the WRC for what, 15 years? The Impreza is marketed as the performance model, so most buy it for modding.


It's better that way. We wouldn't want our stealth performance Legacy to get too widely known. It might upset the balance of the world as we know it!

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You forgot we also have a 1997 LGT.


Oh yeah...


As far as Impreza biases go, I'm pretty happy that you've got (2!) Legacys - enough to keep my interest, but not too much exposure for our stealthy rides :cool:

sorry...this forum practically blows goat nuts so im not always on here.
Team Pony Express


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Well, if you compare Nabisco to this site, the Nabisco folks are much more rabid performance junkies.


Well, okay, some peeps here can be pretty rabid too, but it's more common over there.


Besides, they haven't had any Legacies in the WRC for what, 15 years? The Impreza is marketed as the performance model, so most buy it for modding.


It's better that way. We wouldn't want our stealth performance Legacy to get too widely known. It might upset the balance of the world as we know it!


thats acually a cool way to look at it.

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Exactly, i really enjoy the stealth performance of my car, if they become too popular and too well known, it only attracts the attn of two undesired groups:


1. stupid ricers/street racers


2. cops


I've had my fill of both in my WRX days (which are now too overexposed) and quite enjoy speed under the radar now. Plus i'm at that point in my life where i dont need affirmation from others in the car i drive.

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