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Boosting The Motor

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they blow up





































































































































































































































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Things to remember about posting:


1. Check the 'Stickies' in each forum before posting - chances are, your question has already been answered and you won't have to wait for someone to reply with the information you seek.

2. Check out the forums and descriptions - the info you seek is probably already in one and doing this will help you find it.

3. Whenever possible, post a reply to an existing thread vs. starting a new one...it helps keep things organized

4. Before starting a 'new thread', ask yourself:

....a) "Will this contribute to the group?"

....b) "Did I search for my answer before posting?"

5. Please stay on topic with your posts. If you want to say something that is not relevant to the post you are reading, this is a good reason to start a new thread. Mods are instructed to monitor for off-topic (OT) posts and get them back on track. Doing this shows respect for the members who posted the original thread - no hijacks please.

6. Have an opinion or got something to say?

....a) Back them up with reasons and facts where appropriate - this will keep the 'flaming' to a minimum

....b) Please be respectful of other members when doing so - a variety of opinions is what makes the world go 'round.




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