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Dealership job interview

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For an entry level job, some dealers put a lot of stress on their salesmen. Which leads to hurried sales, and lies, and then the customer comes back and demands on explanation. Thats something I wouldn't want to be a part of. I grew up having a Dealership GM in the family, so I know all the horror stories.


Although some people are lucky and make a decent salary, but they work their asses off for it. You'll know your first day if its for you.

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Good luck in a job that is one interview after another if you can't do interviews in the first place. A good salesperson knows how to control a conversation and has a strong presence. No one wants to buy a 30k car from someone who looks like he is on the verge of crying. You're selling confidence in a product, not the actual product. If you are extremely confident in the product you are selling great, if you are extremely confident in yourself and your ability to make a customer confident in his purchase, that's what makes a good salesman. Any good salesmen never has to push a sale, only control the conversation in a way that slowly gives the buyer confidence that what he's doing is the right choice.
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I worked in the car business in sales (BMW), and quite frankly unless you are just hard up for a job.... run away. There are much better careers out there.



I agree 100% Car sales was no fun for me.

Need forum help? Private Message legGTLT
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If you can put up with all the sales crap then good luck. I was so sick of hearing the fake "confidence building" and the "you can sell a car to anybody" lines from the blowhards at the dealerships that I got out quick. It's almost as bad an an infomercial that starts out "Your profit potential is limited only by your motivation" or some similar nonsense.


It's like when you see that friend you haven't heard from in 4-5 years -- you just know he's selling Amway!


I can sell a car to anybody who can afford it. It isn't my fault that 95% of the people who step on the lot can't get a car note at any interest rate for any amount. I can generate so much desire that he'll eat lunch off the hood of the car but if he can't get financed I've wasted my afternoon. Convincing someone the higher payment is worthwhile is easy; getting them a cosigner is not.


There are a few good dealerships out there. I had the luck to learn from one of the most crooked. I was only an average salesman but I'm one hell of a buyer now.


Oh, and whoever thought of the phrase "If we agree to terms can we earn your business today?" should be kicked in the crotch! <Sam Kinison> SAY IT!!!</Sam Kinison> "Ya wanna buy the car?" The fact that there are books and seminars to teach people to sell cars is just sad. But, there are enough sheep out there that they'll continue to make money without really trying. Just watch a few episodes of King of Cars and you'll see what I mean.

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If you can put up with all the sales crap then good luck. I was so sick of hearing the fake "confidence building" and the "you can sell a car to anybody" lines from the blowhards at the dealerships that I got out quick. It's almost as bad an an infomercial that starts out "Your profit potential is limited only by your motivation" or some similar nonsense.


It's like when you see that friend you haven't heard from in 4-5 years -- you just know he's selling Amway!


I can sell a car to anybody who can afford it. It isn't my fault that 95% of the people who step on the lot can't get a car note at any interest rate for any amount. I can generate so much desire that he'll eat lunch off the hood of the car but if he can't get financed I've wasted my afternoon. Convincing someone the higher payment is worthwhile is easy; getting them a cosigner is not.


There are a few good dealerships out there. I had the luck to learn from one of the most crooked. I was only an average salesman but I'm one hell of a buyer now.


Oh, and whoever thought of the phrase "If we agree to terms can we earn your business today?" should be kicked in the crotch! <Sam Kinison> SAY IT!!!</Sam Kinison> "Ya wanna buy the car?" The fact that there are books and seminars to teach people to sell cars is just sad. But, there are enough sheep out there that they'll continue to make money without really trying. Just watch a few episodes of King of Cars and you'll see what I mean.


were we seperated at birth?


this is exactly how I felt.


Take your time, look around, if you really cant find anything else..... then sell some cars.


DONT EVER EVER sell mortgages!! I have heard horror stories of that:icon_mad:

Need forum help? Private Message legGTLT
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:lol: did you sell cars once?


we used to go buy beers and get hammered the last hour of work. We frequently played frisbee in the showroom, got in weekly fist fights over customers, ate Ramen noodles all winter cuz NO ONE buys cars.

Need forum help? Private Message legGTLT
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Oh yeah ... I have some good stories too. Got completely isht-faced with the manager one night at a nice restaurant. I got it in my head the women across the bar were into me, so I went over to hit on them. Well, they weren't so much into me ... or guys at all for that matter. I was so drunk on Saturday, that I was still hung-over on Monday and called in ... with a hangover. My GM thought it was the funniest thing ever and made sure he told to story of hitting on the lesbians at the Wednesday "rah rah rah blow some hot air up your ass" meeting.


Then there was the time everyone was trying to get me to nail this hot little asian chick (she was unbelievably hot) but she later turned out be fairly religious despite being really into me. I couldn't ever get her to cave. :(


And many more ... ;)

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Have you bought a car over the internet? Have they sold cars over the internet before? It's a totally different ballgame than most dealerships are used to.


Internet buyers are informed. They know every option, every package, and the current incentives. They get multiple quotes so they know who's padding their profit.


In return for all that work they expect a firm price without having to haggle for it. You may be ready to give them that but the management will want to make them fight for it. "Start them at this price and see if they bite." That's a good way to never hear from an internet shopper again.


One of my first posts on this board was how one dealership basically told me to bug off when I asked them about a LGT they had. It was a demo and they wanted sticker for it, basically laughing at me when I said that was rediculous. They said "We won't have any trouble selling that car," to which I replied "Well you'll have a lot of trouble selling it to me." I later drove to Orlando to buy my perfect LGT.


I've bought cars in Tampa, North Carolina, Jacksonville, Chicago, Columbia SC, and other places nowhere near where I live. If it's a good car, a good deal, and the person knows how to communicate, I'll buy the car.

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Don't listen to these horror stories. Car sales is fun and profitable if you know what you are doing. You will meet all kind of people. Good and bad. Honest and crook. Stand your grounds and treat them the way you want to be treated.

Treat customers with respect and they will return the favor. Know everything there is to know about your product. There is nothing worse than buying a car from someone that does not know the difference between their cars.


I have been doing it for last 6 1/2 years. I love every moment of it. This is coming from a Guy that used to be a Sr. Project Manager for pathfinder at JPL.


Wish you were close by, I would train you how not to be a Shmock like the old school salesman that give bad names to dealers.

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I'm not saying that everyone hates it, but listen to the horror stories, because 90% of the business (or more) is the crap. I've probably met 40-50 people who were once in the business and got out, and they all say the same thing "There were times it was a lot of fun, but I'd never do it again."


It's pretty much the same you hear from former strippers. Some people will do well long term, but the whole business is pretty much structured to prevent you from succeeding.

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