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another quesions about HIDs.........


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My boss is going to be me a kit for my car in the $350 range because of a lost bet. I think I have it narrowed down to an aftermarket kit like the DDM HIDs or the racing Apexcone in 6000k or should I get some OEM d2s bulbs and ignitors and some of the d2s->h7 adapters or even a kit like the Phillips based kit?
^ n00bs below this line
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go OEM... the kits are just a waste of your money.


D2S Bulbs in 5000k (Phillips 85122+ are a nice bulb)

D2s to H7 Adapter's

D2s Ballast


I bought a kit originally and am in the process of swapping rx330 bowls and switching over to a full OEM setup.


X2 :icon_smil

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