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WHY i bought a Subaru Legacy....its the gas economy

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The photos tell it all.....

a 1975 K-5 Chevy Blazer with auto tranny and 350V8.


We had that beast for 29 YEARS ! Yes, YEARS !!!


It has travelled all over hell....Alaska, California, Ohio,

Minnesota and trips across the country twice !


Still had less than 100k original miles on it !


Well, i sold it for $500 ca$h....and bought a

gas miser AWD Legacy BRIGHTON.

Am i glad i did !!!


That old BALLZER (which i did the camo paint on it

back in 1986)... ate GAS like no end in sight !

A real GAS HOG !:(


The body was absolutely rusted out !

I could count the center lines between

the door and the driver's seat....no flooring!

But, it used no oil, tranny good, and had new

dual exhaust.... a bEaSt !:icon_cool

The seat was replaced about 15 years ago,

after the CHEAP Chevy seat broke...putting

the driver on the floor ! So i went to a boneyard

and bought a used Mercedes chair for $15, for the

driver's side...mounted the seat on two

6x6" wooden blocks.....nice driver's chair

then when done !:icon_bigg


So no regrets unloading that BEAST !:lol:


The jerk who bought it from me.... thought he was

God, got drunk and totalled it within a week.

Went off the hightway up here (bear trail)

and knocked over some stones and white birch trees.

He was drunk on his azzz and spent 3 months in jail

for that little ditty.... hee hee.......


Anyway..... i love my Suby !:wub::icon_mrgr


Enjoy the meaty photos of a real true-grit

GAS HOG..... but of couse i NEVER got stuck

with that BALLZER either....:lol:


I love my little 1999 Legacy BRIGHTON plain-Jane....








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you just can't beat the classic chev drive train---- my '69 camaro 350, matching numbers btw, had 181,000 before i rebuilt it; and even with all those miles, i still only had to bore the cylinders .020 over........


nice truck too.......

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:lol: It has the 2.2L UNsouped engine with 4 speed auto tranny. Stock 2.2L.


I get 27 to 28 in the city... and 28 to 31 on country slabs.

The key here is the tire air pressure !


IF the pressure is low, the mileage goes way down.

IF the pressure is high, the mileage goes way UP !:wub:


I run the air pressure a bit higher than what is posted

on the driver's door jamb.... It says 32 front and

30 rear..... I usually use 36 front and 34 rear.


IF you use snow tires (not the all seasons)...but

true snowtires like my Blizzzzzzzzaks WS-50 tires....

then the mileage goes down a bit too.... due to

the squishiness of the soft treads probably.


I get darn good gas economy on my BRIGHTON

'plain Jane' AWD-wagon.... i love it !:wub:



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