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Tall Driver with Foot Cramps


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Ok this may seem like a strange question. But we are currently preparing to purchase a 2005 Legacy Wagon and we have a concern about driver leg room. The intended driver is 6'3" tall. Currently we are driving a german car with 41.2 inches of driver leg room, as opposed to the legacy that has 44.1 inches of driver leg room. (essentially teh Legacy has 3 inches more of leg space in the drivers cockpit. However with the drivers seat in the fully slide back position, the seat pan dropped to the lowest level the driver is complaing of a severe ankle and foot cramp on the accelerator foot. This is very puzzling, because in the german car this does not happen.

whil driving the legcay the driver complains that their foot is ina constant flexed position, with no relief and the gas pedal is only touching the tip of their toe.

It is thought that maybe the seat pan needs to slide back a tad further to allow for a fuller leg extension and quite possibly the Transmission hump cuts in on a slight angle and this limits foot space in the cockpit. (strangely this does not happen in the Forrester - as the forrester does not have this same angled Tranny Hump. But the Forrester is a smaller cockpit???)

Is there any TALL Legacy drivers or anybody who has experienced this and may have some advice. We are very puzzled!!!!!

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There are so many things that affect the way a driver sits in the car, you just have to sit in the car and ignore the "numbers."


5 years ago, I sold Subies ... Back then, the Impreza touted the shortest leg-room figures, and the Legacy/Outback touted the longest leg room figures in the Subaru Line-up. I fit quite comfortably in the Imprezas, being the first vehicle I ever owned that I didn't keep the seat in the furthest-most rear position (one click forward). The Legacy on the otherhand ... well I'll be damned if I ever felt like I could fit in the '02 Legacy despite having more measured leg room. (I'm 6'2" by the way).


So I was worried about that when I started looking at the '05, but realized then that the difference is just the ergonomics of the seat. Basically, the older seats sat up higher than the new seats, but then there are still other things that are different, and I'd be lying if I said the seats in the '05 Legacy were better than the seats in my '02 Impreza (best seats I've ever had).


So if it's a problem, it's probably a bummer and just not the car for you.


Good luck in your search.

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6'7" (6'8" on a good day) and I have no feet problems in my Legacy. I think it all comes down to personal geometry and for whatever reason, "the driver" doesn't mesh well with the legacy from an ergonomics standpoint.
ignore him, he'll go away.
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I modified the front seat brakets to gain heighth in the front seat to better support my legs. I unfortunatley no longer have pictures... But this helped me out significantly... I am only 6'2"


Here everyday:redface:

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