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Autoblog: Autoblog Night Watch: The original Getaway in Stockholm


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Autoblog Night Watch: The original Getaway in Stockholm

Filed under: Videos, Porsche



We can't remember how many years it's been since the first outlaw Getaway in Stockholm was released. Since then, the infamous Ghost Rider has put out a total of seven different short flicks, giving viewers a taste of life on the edge.


Originally inspired by Claude Lelouch's 1976 short, C'était un rendez-vous, or It Was an Appointment, Mr. Rider sought to outdo his predecessor and put to shame the movie that now bares the infamous series' name. Over the years, each new movie brings another vehicle onto the streets of Stockholm and for the inaugural run, the coupe in question is none other than a Porsche 911 Turbo.


So with that little bit of background, enjoy the show. But remember, we don't condone this sort of thing, we just post on it.

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