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Tribeca puddle lights install?


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I was at the dealer the other day waiting to get the new ECU installed and I was going through the brochures and noticed a nice feature they have for the B9...puddle lights. Over on Scoobymods they have an install thread: http://www.scoobymods.com/forums/showthread.php?t=6648 and they mention it could probably be retrofitted to other subies. I am sure it can be but it might be more of a PITA than it is worth. I know I would like to have these, I had a rental once that had them and I thought they were very useful. I was actually able to see the ice before I fell.


So has anyone tried this? I would think you could get LED assemblies a lot cheaper and do the wiring on your own. Any thoughts?

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I hate msg boards that make you have an account to see the attachments. What good can that possibly be to the admins? Bandwidth?


Anyway, without seeing 'em I don't know exactly what they look like or even where they mount.

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