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interior cleaning hint!!

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hey guys,


I wanted to share the wealth:


Around noontime on Saturday I went home after work. As i pull up in the driveway I find my wife cleaning the interior in the leggy. She was preparing for your little road trip. I get in the driver's seat and I find the dash and everything without dust but it's not oily and shiney like when you use that armor-all crap. I asked her what she used and this was her reply:


"I remember you telling me that armor-all is harmful to the Subaru dash. And I wanted to clean up the interior because it was dust. I didn't like the idea of just using like-warm water and a washcloth, so I got the idea of using one of the DRY-SWIFFER cloths. And it works."


She showed me the swiffer cloth and it picked up all the dust and crap. The dash, door, woodtrim all looked great.


I had to post this up. and it was her idea, not mine.

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...a true classic picture. Back in the day I had an 89 Cavalier Z24 that I um, used for the same purpose as the owner of the Volvo did... I drove that ba5tard around campus for a good week before I washed off the evidence of my conquest, much to the dismay of the sorority girl who helped make the marks on the hood :icon_evil.... but hey, I was a cheap beer swillin' punk at the time, being classy completely escaped me! Ahhh, the good old days. Thanks for the pic and trip down memory lane!

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swiffer is a great idea. I have all wood & tile floors in my house so I use them all the time. I'm surprised I never thought of using it on the car either.
"Barack Obama, mothaf#%@a! Barack Obama! I'm the president...of hittin' the ass!" -this is not a political view it's merely a quote from a hilarious tv show.
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