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'07 gt is here!!

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Trick or Treat, got my black GT yesterday. The dealership gave me one with the spoiler that I didn't order or pay for :icon_mrgr . Breaking it in gently, no S# on the

I-Drive. Can't get over how good it rides on the slab and how it slaughters the curves on the twistys. Now, time for cold air and something to do with that sewing machine muffler sound.

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my legacy was officially broken in on sat. as soon as it hit 1k i dropped it down a gear and punched it. not bad. i suspect we won't be abusing this thing though. i'm just glad i can park it at 80 on the freeway now and i don't have to fluctuate the rpms from 4 to 2 and back again, which is what i did during the whole break in period.
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