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CO Loaner Parts


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Since I had problems finding a certain part(T70 torx bit), I figured I should start a thread that lists what unique tools people have available for other people to use that they would be willing to loan out ie the damn torx, maybe a spring compressor, impact wrench, the thing that pushes the brake piston back in etc...maybe its a bad idea but I figure all this Regional forum sees is a bunch of GTG(which is not bad).


I figure you can rent a lot of these tools at autozone/checker/advanced auto, but I'm sure its more fun to meet other members anyways.


Anyways, I know I dont have a lot of "unique" tools but...


rkl303- Denver - T70 Torx bit

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Nice what color are they going to become. Sorr no wheels for you here.


and pardon my ignorance but what is a park wheel truing stand


rkl303- Denver - T70 Torx bit

Boulderguy - Boulder - Park wheel truing stand, Sandpaper

wrxlvr - - Rubbermallet.

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It's a $200 bike tool. I'm mostly poking fun at your thread - OK, I'm an ass - with random tools here. I've got a pretty good garage here, both bike & general tools but am generally leery of loaning out. Happy to help & entertain loaner possibilities tho. Lots of car stereo install stuff & experience.
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rubber mallet. :)


I may need to borrow someone's stock wheels soon though. (Getting mine powdercoated).


U seriously need stock wheels? I have mine off the car, but they have snow tires mounted on them. How long do you need them for?


BTW I'd like to see how the powdercoating comes out!


Hit me up with a PM I guess...

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