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Morgantown Road Rally


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As posted on MAIC on Nasioc, just thought I would pass it on to see if there was any interest from the Legacy delegation. I'll be there for sure.


Hey everyone. I am interested in putting together another rally like last fall. I was looking at the WVU football calendar and leaning towards Saturday, September 16th (Terps game is Thursday night) or the next Saturday, Sept. 23 (East Carolina away game).


It has been suggested that we use some roads that while are alot of fun to drive would make the whole driving time more like four hours instead of 2-1/2 like last year. I am looking for feedback on this. Perhaps we could have a "service stop" half way through and that would help. I will do a course book and trivia questions just like last fall.


I will have some good loot for prizes, hopefully even better than last year.

This event is open to all Subaru (and even the couple Saabaru) owners that are interested. I know my counterpart in Pittsburgh is interested in teaming up so the Subies from Pittsburgh can come down.


The date has been set for September 23rd.

Have Camera...Will Travel

~2007 LegacyGT.com Calendar (October)~

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  • 2 weeks later...



Hello ladies and gentlemen,


It is official; we are having another fun road rally this year. It is scheduled for Saturday, September 23rd. It starts at 9:00 this year and the route will be approximately 4 hours long. The roads this year are even better than last year's route (all asphalt no dirt). I scheduled it a month earlier so we will have a less likely chance of rain. We will end up at the cook-out venue this year instead of going back to the dealer because of the weather.


The requirements are the same as before: Show up with a full tank of gas, a digital camera (cell phone ok) and a co-driver. The length of the route will most likely require a gas fill-up. I would recommend you have the cash not a credit card because even though we will be going by gas stations, they may not be your brand or may not even take credit cards http://images.nasioc.com/forums/images/smilies/frown.gif


There is already interest from people in Pittsburgh and Beckley so we will probably have more cars than last year. Everybody show up to John Howard Motors, 1730 Mileground Morgantown, WV before 9:00 a.m. The official rules and regulations will be discussed promptly at 9. The route books will be handed out promptly at 9:22b immediately followed by the drawing for your dispatch number with the first car released at 9:35. The next car will be released two minutes later.


If you have questions please post here so I can cover them for all, to register email me at asm2@subaru.com http://images.nasioc.com/forums/images/smilies/banana.gif Include your name, co-drivers name (tba ok at this point), car model year and color, and email address.


NASIOC - 2006 2nd Annual Morgantown Road Rally


I hope that we can get some representation from LGT.com there, it will be a great time had by all. If anyone wants to attend from out of state, let me know. I can find you a place to crash the night before the rally.

Have Camera...Will Travel

~2007 LegacyGT.com Calendar (October)~

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i'm not sure when it's too late, but it will definately be a blast and is being sponsored by Subaru of America and John Howard Subaru. SOA will also be providing everything at the cookout afterwards.

Have Camera...Will Travel

~2007 LegacyGT.com Calendar (October)~

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I forgot to add, the rally format will be TSD, which is time-speed-distance.



A TSD (time-speed-distance) rally consists of a set of instructions specifying a route to travel, and a speed at which to travel. A team, consisting of a driver and a navigator, attempt to travel the specified route at exactly the specified speeds. A TSD rally is not a race. Traveling too fast results in penalties as does traveling too slowly and no rally will ever require you to drive in a reckless or illegal fashion. Arriving too early at a checkpoint hurts your score, as does arriving too late. You are scored on how closely to the correct time you arrive. The rally route generally takes you over lightly traveled rural roads in the scenic countryside.


Rallies are generally around 100 miles long and take about 2 1/2 to 3 hours to complete.

Have Camera...Will Travel

~2007 LegacyGT.com Calendar (October)~

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all yokes aside.....I think I'm interested.....I have to check my schedule.....I have a few WRX friend who might want in as well....


Bring as many Suby owners as you can, we're trying to have an awesome turnout. And believe me, it will be a blast, just let everyone know who is coming, they will have to have a co-driver.


To register, e-mail submsa at at asm2@subaru.com. Include your name, co-drivers name (tba ok at this point), car model year and color, and email address.


I hope to see a great turnout.




Show up with a full tank of gas, a digital camera (cell phone ok) and a co-driver. The length of the route will most likely require a gas fill-up. I would recommend you have the cash not a credit card because even though we will be going by gas stations, they may not be your brand or may not even take credit cards.

Have Camera...Will Travel

~2007 LegacyGT.com Calendar (October)~

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  • 2 weeks later...
Whoa this sounds like fun. Is there an entry fee, or some form of club membership to be able to partake? I just got the car and havnt gone to any events, but if this is free or close to it I would love to see what it can do on the twisties!
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nope, it's completely free. To register, e-mail submsa at at asm2@subaru.com. Include your name, co-drivers name (tba ok at this point), car model year and color, and email address.



Show up with a full tank of gas, a digital camera (cell phone ok) and a co-driver. The length of the route will most likely require a gas fill-up. I would recommend you have the cash not a credit card because even though we will be going by gas stations, they may not be your brand or may not even take credit cards.


You need to be at John Howard Motors in Morgantown by 8:30 because there will be a drivers meeting at 9 and they will be sending the first car out right after that.

Have Camera...Will Travel

~2007 LegacyGT.com Calendar (October)~

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So this is a competitive rally or auto cross...or just a open track to have fun on?


It is a fun road rally with prizes and giveaways. But let me remind everyone, this is a Time-Speed-Distance rally, it is not balls to the wall as fast as you can go, going above or below the posted speed limits will hurt your score. It is being held on public roads, not a closed off course.


Safety requirements are a safe car, a safe driver, and a safe co-driver. It is a fun rally using obscure clues and directions, easy to follow, on paved roads using posted speed limits against an official route time (not revealed until rally is complete). It is all about having fun in your Subaru on some good mountain roads and good fellowship with fellow Subaru enthusiasts.

Have Camera...Will Travel

~2007 LegacyGT.com Calendar (October)~

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