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Back to the dealer again....trip # 4,5,6 I don't know

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Ok guys, back to the dealer again…..I was doing some “spirited” driven on 95N to Bmore got to my location idled for a while then parked. When I started my car again the “Check Engine” light came on and the cruse control light was blinking. As if that wasn’t enough, my climate control started doing all kind funky things. Oh ya, My car was driving like sh$% too like it was running on 3 cylinders but not quite that bad. I haven’t taken it the dealer yet because this just happened……but before I go anyone know what this might be ? I’m thinking the ECU…..but does the ECU have anything to do with the climate control ?:icon_conf
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It's hard to diagnose car problems through the internet with limited info. Pull the code that's causing the CEL, and let us know what it is. Then, we can take more educated guesses. :)



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