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Anyone going to the COBB track day?


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Just curious if anyone from here is going out to Miller Motorsports Park on the 26th to take a few laps with COBB? I tried to get in but their spots filled up too quickly. It was $150 for 5 20 minute sessions. That is a good rate for MMP based on what their normal track fees are set at. I was really looking forward to getting a run on the track, but maybe next year. I'm going to try to make it out there on Saturday morning for their car show. I'll take pictures if I go. :)


“Cleanliness becomes more important as godliness becomes more unlikely.”

O C D E T A I L S . C O M


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My wife and I are absolutely going on Saturday, but also missed out on the Friday part. Our fellow pirate Matt just sold his spot, you may want to contact Cobb to see if any slots are for sale, there are sure to be dropouts.


I'm hoping to have some more mods done by next week (Wheels, tint, aesthetic stuff before I dig into the engine bay). I'll look forward to meeting you, you're a bit of a legend 'round these parts. Maybe you can give me some pointers on giving the cars a spit-shine before the meet.

Never start modding, kids. It's too late for me, save yourselves!

Hooray for 07+ AccessPORT!

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