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Routing 4 AWG wire through the interior to the trunk??


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I want to run 4 AWG power wire from the battery to the trunk. I know how to pass through the firewall.... but what is the best route from there? In the past I have lifted the door sill trim and ran the wire under the carpet along the side of the car. Getting through the rear seats might be tough though. With proper insulation, can the wire be ran along the bottom of the car (assuming I keep it away from the fuel line)? I could pass it up through the spare tire well in that case....

Just wondering how people have routed their wire in the past.


I did a search but came up short. Thanks in advance.

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the most simple way. take out the bottom of the seat cushion, its very easy, just feel for where hte plugs are on the bottom cushio and give it a good yank to release it.


once this cushio is out, you can see where the spaces are you to pass wires through to the trunk, plenty of space :)


you DO NOT want to ever run wires outside the car...


basically go from the firewall, down the sides, whcih involves snapping off a few pieces and lift ing thte carpet..etc...


if you need more help let me know, but the whole process is not difficult at all to get throguh into the trunk :) i did the last one from firewall to the trunk include ziptying the wires in about 10 mins, and you should get through it no problem :)


everyhting snaps apart no hidden screws :)



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Sweet... that is the exact reply I was looking for. That is how I plan to do it. My old car had fold down seats which made it even easier, so I was unsure about this one. I just ordered a Stinger HPM 4 AWG kit along with a Stinger adjustable line converter and some Stinger speaker wire. I don't know if it is easier to mount the converter near the HU and get long RCAs, or mount the converter near the amp and get long wires for the high-end signal from the HU. That does not matter that much. I guess the longer the RCAs are, the easier it is for them to pick up interference.
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Take off the black splash guard around the driver's side front wheel. There is a large grommet on the firewall behind the front tire on the drivers side. Cut into that and snake the wire through. Look in the walkthrough section for installing a boost gauge. It shows you where this is.
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  • 2 months later...
Hey Casopolis very good info, btw we both sold our Titanium MSP's for ABP Legacys lol


Should have gotten the LGT.... but the legacy is a sweet car, you will like it. Mine is already faster than my MSP, but not as show-worthy yet.


Glad to see you on this forum.

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