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april 15 CDC autoX pictures / results...


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My first time back out at the track since last year - was hoping to see more new legacy's out there, but ended up just being myself representing the '05+ and xcntrk there representing the old models.


Best times of the day (that i saw) were all in the 40-41 second range with the average times probably in the 45 - 50 second range. Anyone doing under 45 was doing good.


My personal best of the day was a 47, and it was actually one of my first runs. I started pushing harder as the day went on, but ended up eating more and more cones as a result.


didn't get a lot of pictures this time, i was keeping my fiancee company, and also ended up taking a 3 hour break for lunch -- but here are a few highlights, i'll try to upload some more later.


(sorry, the only legacy picture I have is while i was prepping the car... too hard to shoot while driving)



























The highlight of the day was an S2000 going through 2 gates in reverse after spinning out and still managing to not hit a cone, and he still got a better time than me. :lol:

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yeah - this was in manassas.



I saw at least two other legacy's show up in the parking lot during the day. One was a Black sedan, the other was a silver wagon. Both were GT's. I didnt get a chance to flag down the owners though.



anyone here???!!!



The next one in manassas isnt until June.

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Great pics… :D


Here’s the handful I captured with the point-n-click:


I didn't get any of you, we must have been in the same heat running different sides or something. I was working the post right next to that S2000 who spun and rolled backwards through 2 gates clean and still on course :lol:


Not nearly the LGT turnout I had hoped would be there...

..and of course my favorite:


My best time 44.5 then nicked a cone at the last gate (+1 = 46.5) :icon_mad:

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oh yeah, it was very full.... I understand that they want to let as many people participate as possible, but in my opinion they need to scale it back just a tad. I'm sure that people in the fourth heat didnt finish until past 7pm.



anthony, yeah -- i think you and I were both in heat 3.

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I had the silver wagon in the parking lot. Was only spectating. Sorry could not come by and say hello.... but did you noticed the Forrester in the same heat (3) that was getting 44's??


cool, glad to see it was somebody here. you gotta take the wagon out sometime.


THe guy with the forester is pretty hard core, he's got a nice setup. I remember always being surprised by how well he did last year.

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I used to do autocrosses with my CRX Si all the time with the Blueridge SCCA at Tech but since this is my first new car, having a little of the new car blues. Hopefully getting some exhaust from ptuning in the next few months and maybe I will join you in the summer. :)
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