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FUBARed Paint?


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I debadged my LGT shortly after I bought it. I used a hair drier, dental floss, rubbed the adhesive off with my fingers, then used a little Goo Gone to get rid of the residue. Now I think I may have damaged the car's clear coat. Only in direct sunlight do I notice there is a lack of shine where my logos once were and maybe a little swirling, both on the left and right side of my license plate. I put a few coats of wax on there but I'm sure that's worn off by now. What can I do to at least protect this area of my paint if not restore it?
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You need to polish the area with an abrasive polish. Wax doesn't remove scratches. You have likely just hazed the surface with the rubbing to get the glue off. Our paint is pretty soft and isn't hard to damage that way.


As far as protecting it goes, just keep the surface waxed. Wax only lasts 4 to 6 weeks tops, so make sure you are out there waxing it every month and a half or so. Every other month at the longest if you are truely concerned about protecting your paint. Or you can use a synthetic sealant that lasts longer and protects better than a wax. It still won't keep you from getting swirls and scratches, but at least your paint won't fade on you and it will be easier to clean.


“Cleanliness becomes more important as godliness becomes more unlikely.”

O C D E T A I L S . C O M


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