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GT sedan

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I find the quattroporte dull. I'm sure it's fun to drive and the interior is nice... but the exterior is just bland.


*side note saw a white bentley GT the other day.... this car is very bland from the tail view... from the front it has a lot of road presence. The guy driving it had 22" rims on it and a window down... totally ghettoed it out.


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I just raced a maseratti the other day (at the track!! ;)) and believe it or not I pulled from it :icon_bigg . I dont know what model it was but I do believe they pretty much all use the same motors 400bhp. The only reason I think I pulled from it was becuase of its weight??!
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bout a month or 2 ago I was at a friends apartment complex and I drove past an 05 quattorporte in the parking lot. I thought it was a diamante to begin with, until I noticed it was HUGE and it had the little vents in the side like a buick.. thats when I noticed the letters on th eback said "maseratti" not "mitsubishi" heh


IMO, its ugly, its expensive, and it sucks gas like no tomorrow, if I had that kinda money, I'd invest in realestate.

"The penalty good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men." - Plato
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agreed, its not slowing down here at all.. I see total peices of crap going for WAAAAAAYYYY more than they're worth, given I dont think theres a market BOOM here but in the past 5 years our property value has doubled in the county I live in.. which is why I can't afford to buy here for investment lol


I hear of people up north selling homes for $2,000, the cheapest run down peice of crap mobile home I can find here is $30k.. and its in a terrible neighborhood, and our cost of living down here is lower than national average, so.. I really think the popped market bubble is kind of like a roll of bubble paper, its only popped in a few places so far.


I watch that show "flip this house" ya know, they're insane! buying some 1200 sq ft house for $600,000.. I'm sorry but I donmt understand people from CA. if you have $600,000.. move to GA.. and buy a $100k house thats bigger.. and then use that $500k for investment heh

"The penalty good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men." - Plato
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