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planning to reupholster parts fo the car in suede...anyone else dont anyhting similar


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one of hte first things i plan to do when i get my car is to reupholster seleted parts of the interior in suede, to me, it looks very classy, and adds to the interior...:) i havent completely decided yet but i was wondering if anyone has done anything to their interior interms of reupholstering with different colors or materials :)


here is a customers car i redid to suede for his lower door panels :)



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that car is one ofhte show cars i built, the whole car is very simple and clean and i went with the same theme on install...the bride is overbearing i know, but thats the customers choice and he is part of team bride...


here are some pics, and as well as some other cars i have done:




as well as some of my more recent:






i am going to do the lower door as well as on the upper door insert, ala spec B, as well as some tasteful places in the interior...synthetic suede is waht i will use, both easier to work with, and more durable, not to mention ALOT cheaper :)


i will be doing that along wtih the dampening as soon as i get hte car, i have to get the system in there since this will bge a demo vehicle for my business, i plan to leave the stock stereo COMPLETELy in tact, so i can do A/B listening comparisons with my customers...


i will post what i have in mind for stereo in another thread...:) anyway, thanks for the help :)



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