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'Other Cars' - better description


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I just had a thread that I listed in the main topics moved to 'other cars'. It was asking for a comparison between GT and vette 350. I looked everywhere and couldn't find it, was finally told it was in 'other cars'. I looked, now, at the 'other cars' header and feel that it's misleading. At least that's why 'I' never thought to check it out. 'Other cars' doesn't get your attention, so I've always never checked to see the description. I think it should read -- 'OTHER CARS vs. LEGACY' etc. etc. I think at least that much should be added to the header. It could be a reason why that forum heading doesn't get much business. As it is, my post was relegated there and surely won't get seen or responded to were it put someplace else. If the gist of that topic is to attract 'legacy vs. ___', I think that much should be put in the topic header so its main thrust is understood without reading the smaller print. My opinion.
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Thanks for that. I'd also like to say that it comes under a larger subheading called 'Off Topic'. Between 'that' heading and the fact it is sooo low down the page...it really gets relegated to a lesser important part of this forum. I don't feel the original question of comparing the Gt to another car warrants such parsing and 'moved' post. It 'is' directly on topic (legacy/performance etc.) and of interest to many, generally speaking. All I'm saying is, it's a topic that gets my attention (when folks ask for comparision between legacy and other cars), but these posts are being hustled out and put in a real off the beaten path category. I think 'something' could help with that. It's not just for my post...but more importantly, I don't want to miss other posts that I'm interested in reading...just because I don't really think to go there. Thanks again.
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I certainly appreciate the comments, but I've made the decision to not change the titles or arrangements of forums on a daily/weekly basis. On this specific topic, I disagree. The main thrust of the 'Other Cars' forum is to discuss other cars, in any way shape or form, including 'vs' topics. If I changed the title, then we'd be moving 'other cars' threads from other areas into that forum, with people complaining the opposite.
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Could you then consider just adding to the forum heading a word or two to 'specify' that it pertains to "comparisons". I never go to that point, myself. And glossed over it for the two months I've been here. My fault, for sure. But others may have made the same error. Thanks again. My pleasure.
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Yes it is confusing, I updated the subhead of the 'Other cars' forum just today after moving multiple threads. I know everyone wants to dump into the 'Subaru Legacy' general forum, but at this rate you'll be unable to find anything in that forum if you dont check hourly. Thusly, new forums are created and topics moved. People will find it, don't worry. :)
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