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Installed my stealth smoke tails & headlights


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I put on my tail light tint this mourning as well as my front corners. The tails are stealth smoke and the front corners are just smoke. Heres some shots I took this mourning. Ill try to take some tonight if doesnt rain. It was a bit of a pain to install but I got them on.








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I had a kit for the side mirrors, first it was very difficult to fit them on and heat them so they looked ok. Then after I put them on I didnt like them , so I pulled them right back off. The side mirors was actually the hardest ones to put on since it has extreme curves, and seemed like they had the worst fit. I used a small butane lighter to heat them on, lol, oh well it got the job done. Hmmm... good question, I didnt test the reverse lights. Ill take some pics of that also tonight. I was suprised that the brake light still showed threw pretty good, its dimmer then it was thats for sure, but not as bad as I was thinking in my head.
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Haha... excellent! Glad to know that I'm not the only one who had a bitch of a time installing those side mirror vinyls! :lol:


I'll probably order another set - could never get my first set to seat correctly with all those damn curves...

-=- Livin life at 140 BPM -=-

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what freeze, your not a fan of the roto plates, LOL. Man that place puts their sticker on everything. I had to pull one off the back trunk also. I just got my plates in yesterday so those will be off soon. Now I just need to find out where to get those sweet L7 badges. Thanks andrew, I really like the look that the fronts have now, especially on obsidian black. and thanks earthworm, but I think i probaly should keep every brake light possible on now that it makes it a lil bit harder for people to see. I have some night pics up later
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I guess theres a debate on rather or not they are illegal. I guess it depends on how the police is feeling at the time. I think most people on here havent gotten a ticket yet from the smokes. My lights still shine threw pretty strong, so I would think that im ok. Heres a few more night pics, and a shot of the reverse lights. Seems like the reverse lights shine threw very similar to how the stocks do. Same thing with the brake lights in the night.





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hmm what do you guys think?....black rims...smoke lights....tinted windows.....black car.....to much black?



Can never be too black man. I got the same but with the reverse light cutouts (to avoid the potential police problems(

"Barack Obama, mothaf#%@a! Barack Obama! I'm the president...of hittin' the ass!" -this is not a political view it's merely a quote from a hilarious tv show.
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thanks dafoo, I think it was money well spent. Rakerley, thats good to know that you havent received a ticket yet, Im hoping I have such luck. MDork, haha thats a good idea, light in the hood scoop. Funny thing is I think I seen that light on a few windshields before. Then Ill just need to teach my car to talk to me and Ill be set. And does anyone know if they make a kit like this for the legacy? HA


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