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5mt synchro's ?

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Anyone seem to have tempermental synchro's in their trannys?

Often I meet resistance in my 1-2 shift.

Now (and I may just be paranoid) it seems that the others are getting worse, especially as it gets colder.:icon_neut


Just testing the waters before I drop it at the dealer for a tranny rebuild.:icon_frow



Vir Est Fatum Ut Perficio Concepta Suus Progenies. - Man is destined to fulfill the capacity of his lineage (i.e. Darwinism):rolleyes:

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i have been having the same problem with mine. took it to the the dealer and they said that could not find anything wrong. I have found if once i drive a bit and the car warms up it seems easiear to shift. But, the 1-2nd shift has always been a pain as compared to other manuals i have driven.
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In all cars with manual trannies that have syncros that I've driven, going into 2nd gear has always been the least smooth compared to the other gears especially in the winter. Try doing a search on google with something like "syncro hard shift" or something like that and you'll see the same symptoms across all brands even luxury brands like BMW and Lexus. The only thing to that helps to alleviate this is to rev-match.


My TSX 6spd, RSX (r.i.p.), my brother's Mazda3, friend's Honda Prelude all exhibit this same symptom.

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well....if it just get sticker when it's gettng colder...it's b/c the fluid vleocity(sp?) changed b/c of extreme temperature..I experience the same thing when it's like -20celcius last yr....n as long as the tempo. gets to normal operational range..it's all good


as for the harder shift between 1 or 2nd..I experience the same last yr...but once u get used to it...it's nothing much..that problem probably will "cure" as you put more mileage into it


it goes the same as the engine oil....it gets sticky-er as the temp. drops down more....that's the major reaosn why it's harder to start the engine @ winter season


just my 2 cent


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Unless you're hearing a grind I wouldn't worry about it. This is the second subaru I've owned in 3 years (WRX, and legacy currently) both have manuals and both shift hard into second, especially when cold. Both are hard to get into reverse. But the legacy has less resistance overall going into gear then the WRX had. At least we don't suffer from glass tranmissions like the REX's.
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