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magnetic clutch for AC

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Hello everyone,

I've been trying my best to find an AC magnetic clutch for my 2008 subaru legacy diesel, but with no succes. I can only find the complete compressors but they are all out of stock. I clould buy one at the dealer but it would cost me €850,-. Is there anyone who knows where I can find this part?


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I was going by the OEM reference number.Β  According to my catalog your car came with A/C compressor 73111AG040 (assuming you have right hand drive).Β  Being in the US, it is difficult to assist.Β  My catalog does not even show Subaru offering the magnetic clutch, entire compressor only.Β  Sorry I cant be of more assistance.Β  Good luck to you!

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7 hours ago, taylorwalker said:

Salvage yards? And the systems not overΒ  pressuriezed on freon?Β 

Cars in the states haven't used Freon since the early 90s.

All the information I can find matches what @m sprank has already stated.Β  The size of your compressor pieces may be different than replacement parts as things get redesigned/updated and whatnot, but since that's all we can find, 20 bucks might be worth a shot to not spend 700.Β  It's also not a factory part so they can't make a carbon copy of it, but they get close enough that it works. 88 to 105mm is just over half an inch... likely more than enough belt slack to make that up.

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