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Demo derby help/tips/tricks

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Running my 09 5speed manual in a demo derby-enduro 200 lap race. Looking for any hints/tips/tricks to help keep her going.


Main question is: it has to be either front wheel or rwd. I was just going to take out the driveshaft and plug the hole up, however people are saying would still have to weld the center diff to move. If I have to weld the diff would it be better to make it rwd? It’s a dirt track.



Other things I’m thinking, taking out thermostat and running straight water. Thoughts?


Any thing else?

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you cant just pull axles or drive shafts on a subaru and expect it to make it RWD or FWD. RWD would be the best bet, but you would have to get a spool to replace the center diff for the conversion. you could weld it, but there is a right way of doing these things.


id leave the thermostat in place, unless you have overheating issues.

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Not sure what you would be gaining in running straight water.... That would reduce the boiling point.


As for surviving the derby, from everyone I've ever watched is, once your rad gets punctured the end is near. So depending on what's you are allowed to do, do everything you can to protect it before hand and during.

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