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FLKC and FBKC, does this look ok?

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Playing with Romraider I noticed that there are times I get FLKC and FBKC. I wanted to see where these were occuring and I finally figured out logs, hooray! Sorry for the crappy mobile phone shot though, lol!




Do these events look ok? IAM is always at 1 which is a bit reassuring, but I think these events happening at higher loads are not good?


No problems really with the car, it's running strong with no codes. Anything I should look into? Or should I just stop playing with Romraider lol!


Car is on stock tune by the way, just has an axleback exhaust.

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I wouldn't worry about 1.5 degrees at all, especially if your IAM is always at 1. Some knock is normal in every engine, what you want to avoid is consistent knock that could result in a "super knock" event (which your would IAM correct for) or consistent knock so bad that the ecu has to pull enough timing that it affects your drivability and fuel economy. (i.e. your IAM gets super low and its still knocking)
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