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New Cars being sold as used??? New York


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Ok, heres the deal...


as many of you know, im looking around for a 06 Legacy 2.5I Automatic special edition, anyways, during my search for the best price, Bill Kolb Subaru calls me and tells me they have brand new 06 2.5I SEs that they will be selling for 19,800. ( MSRP is 22,500 with current 1000 off and Invoice is 21809) of course i say hell yeah and head down there. So, the story from the sales guy is that they were in a windstorm in indiana where the Subes are made and that subaru just auctioned off like 200 of them and they bought about 100. They tell me that the car will be 100% brand new, 12-15 miles on it, with a factory warrentee. Only some of the cars were damaged in the storm, not mine. The only downside is that they have to sell it to me as a "used" car because they were all titled in the name of "Bill kolb Subaru."


So , hope this is enough info for someone to help me! my question is, am i getting screwed??? is this a scam??? i am def. going to go over the car with a fine tooth comb with a close friend who has been in autobody for 20 years so we make sure it hasnt been repainted or anything, but is it a scam some other way?? they also told me they did this last year when there was a storm.... anyone pick one up??? thanks alot for any info !!



Also, on another note, does anyone know anything about there 100% money back extended warentee if you dont use it? all the paperwork looks legit and i cant find how they could back out of this. i mean, i would buy it and only bring the car in if like my engine or tranny blew. if i dont use it, i get all my money back. it sounds like a great unbeatable deal. THANKS!!!

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The plus side is, there WAS a storm (?) of sorts that caused wind damage and those cars can't be sold as new. It was mentioned in a thread here a week or so ago. I'm too lazy to search for ya... but there definitely was a thread.


The down side is, there's a lot of complaints about the Bill Kolb dealership on these forums. And yes, do a search for those too ;)


Good luck!



Found the thread:


PM'd ya

-=- Livin life at 140 BPM -=-

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Also, on another note, does anyone know anything about there 100% money back extended warentee if you dont use it? all the paperwork looks legit and i cant find how they could back out of this. i mean, i would buy it and only bring the car in if like my engine or tranny blew. if i dont use it, i get all my money back. it sounds like a great unbeatable deal. THANKS!!!


Read the paperwork again. You can back out of it within the first 2 months for $25.00 service fee but after that it is pro-rated - used or not. You can get it any time, though, while the original warranty is still in effect. So, you may want to wait and see if there is any need for it. If nothing breaks in 36,000 miles, well, may be you just don't need the extended warranty, after all.

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I am in on this as well. I put a deposit down to hold a black 06 LGT Limited MT. I know Silver would be a safer bet as far as any paint damage, but it was one of the last Obsidian black GT Limiteds with MT. There seemed to be more silvers anyways. So hopefully, we will see where we stand.

BTW, The cars have clean titles. My father asked when he put a dep down on a Tribeca from the same lot.

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Thats what i thought too. that say if its a 5 year warrentee, after 2.5 years, i would be able to get half back. thats not the case, atleast not what they are telling me. they say its 100% refundable, i can refund it on the last day of the 5th year or with 99,998 miles on the car... any insite??


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Get the VIN - photograph proof or go there in-person.


Run a check on it.


Something doesn't sound right, here - so it pays to be cautious. Write-off the minor cost of the VIN-check as an investment in your vehicle. Call it her "first mod." ;)


Best of luck.

<-- I love Winky, my "periwinkle" (ABP) LGT! - Allen / Usual Suspect "DumboRAT" / One of the Three Stooges

'16 Outback, '16 WRX, 7th Subaru Family

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Also, on another note, does anyone know anything about there 100% money back extended warentee if you dont use it? all the paperwork looks legit and i cant find how they could back out of this. i mean, i would buy it and only bring the car in if like my engine or tranny blew. if i dont use it, i get all my money back. it sounds like a great unbeatable deal



Do yourself a favor and buy a CD or just put the money aside. If nothing goes wrong, you will absolutely have "your" money. I did a deal like that and never got my money back because I didn't use enought miles when I traded the car in or some BS.

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RCGServices, listen to me. Bill Kolb is a notoriously shady character. I agree with red Beast. If nothing is wrong with them, why would they sell them as used? Also, Kolb's return policy is only good on an exchange for another vehicle off their lot. I know the Kolb lovers are gonna tell me it's just my bad experience but there have been many other people who have been ripped off by this guy. Go down a few posts here http://www.legacygt.com/forums/showthread.php?t=20947&page=2&pp=15 & read about the lawsuit brought against Bill Kolb for selling bogus eddie bauer explorers at his ford dealer. Also, I've got a few threads on the scams kolb generally pulls. http://www.legacygt.com/forums/showthread.php?t=20947&page=2&pp=15



I know Jedimaster & myself have had issues with Kolb, & we aint the only ones. Hope this helps.

"Barack Obama, mothaf#%@a! Barack Obama! I'm the president...of hittin' the ass!" -this is not a political view it's merely a quote from a hilarious tv show.
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Im confused... im usually a pretty resourceful and crafty new car buyer... and i feel like there is a chance i might be getting screwed here. on the other hand, i want to save the money. Maybe i should just take the hit and buy it from the local dealership for more. They are willing to give it to me for invoice and even offered me 500 more for my trade in the Kolb.....


Also, Im pissed about the warrentee. it sounds too good to be true, so it prob. is.




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I tried buying from Kolb and they tried to sell me a used demo with 10K miles for 26K!!! I thry haggling and they said no, firm price. Needles to say I got up and never looked back. Got my car for almost the same new in a dealership closer to my house in the color that I wanted.


I really don't trust them either just with the brief experience that I had with them.


What is the old overused saying: "If it looks too good to be true..."



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Thats what i thought too. that say if its a 5 year warrentee, after 2.5 years, i would be able to get half back. thats not the case, atleast not what they are telling me. they say its 100% refundable, i can refund it on the last day of the 5th year or with 99,998 miles on the car... any insite??




It doesn't matter what they say. The only thing that matters is what the warranty contract says about refunds. That being said, perhaps I've misunderstood you but are you talking about Subaru's extra warranty or the dealer's policy? What I was saying applies to Subaru's policy. I would not spend any money on a 3rd party policy.

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Wheres the JEDI?





its standard practice to do this. It shouldnt effect resale as hard as if it had a regular owner. There are plenty of threads about Bill kolbs subaru on this site, I will let you make your own decision.

Need forum help? Private Message legGTLT
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So, heres the update. i called SOA and told them the story. they looked up the vin, and said that yes the car was at the plant when they had a windstorm and therefor they sold them to dealers at a discounted price. i asked why it was being sold to me as used and they said because the car was first titled to SOA so they could sell them to the dealership. Also, they said the warentee is legit and they know of other dealerships with the "money back if you dont use it" plan. i doesnt really matter to me if people have had bad service experiences with them, because i will take it to my local sube for any thing i need done, it prob. will never ever go back to kolb once i buy it. overall, numbers lined up, im saving about $1800 by buying this car and not buying it from my local dealership.


any comments are really appreciated!!



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Just be careful when dealing with Kolb. As always, make sure you have all the details 1st. Good luck. I bought mine from them out of convienience. They're the closest in the area to me. But I've had to fight with them over EVERYTHING. Not one thing has gone smoothly with them.
"Barack Obama, mothaf#%@a! Barack Obama! I'm the president...of hittin' the ass!" -this is not a political view it's merely a quote from a hilarious tv show.
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