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Lifetime Mileage on Eco Monitor

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Dealer updated ECU yesterday and I believe this fixed the Lifetime Mileage Calculation. Also seems to fix the 80 percent throttle when I floor it at the light. Before it would say 80 percent and then goto 100 percent after I started moving.
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It’s a known documented issue with our cars.

That's been fixed for a couple of years, per TSB 15-205-16 (11/21/2016).

"If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there." ~ The Cheshire Cat (Alice in Wonderland)


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That's been fixed for a couple of years, per TSB 15-205-16 (11/21/2016).


Nobody told me there was a problem. I just couldn't understand display. When i googled it I found out other people had same problem. Nobody told me it was fixed either. It's a lease and will get something else before it hits another 7 k miles. I didn't like the 80 percent throttle thing either but figured it was for safety. If I take the owners manual out I have better weight reduction. The text said no work Friday. Got clean underwear 2 packs of cigarettes and and my toothbrush. Road Trip!!! Picked up my Son early in North Carolina. 1515.6 miles. 33,8 mpg Avg. speed 58 mph. 2 x wrong turns.

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