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Options/ideas for grill mesh

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I did a little searching and found Grillcraft for grill mesh options, but not a ton aside from that.


I'm looking for something to cover the lower grill mesh. I noticed it has a couple of tears in it and it looks a little funky.


Has anyone come up with a decent DIY for the mesh or another option over the Grillcraft? I like how the Grillcraft piece fits a little more flush to the outside of the bumper. Although, I know the DIY version would be easiest to put a flat piece on the back of the bumper and be done.


What have you guys done and what type of materials have been used?

I guess eventually I will match the grill, but for now it will just be the lower grill mesh.

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I have the lower Grillcraft on order to arrive in the next few days. I can take some pictures for you if you'd like.


I'm going with that option because I'd like to hide/protect my FMIC and hopefully add some stiffness to my bumper since it had to be trimmed.

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I'm not sure yet. I'll test fit it and decide. I'm hoping for more of a sleeper look than my FMIC is currently. I would be happy if I can pop the Grillecraft emblem off. If not I'll probably cover it with an STI emblem.


Also I may have slightly bumped up against a parking stop that I didn't see and my front bumper may be broken in a couple of places and it may be flopping around like a wet noodle atm.


Amazon says it'll be delivered between the 20th and 25th. New bumper the week I get the grille.

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At least on the lower grillcraft you can remove the emblem and it looks great.


My recommendation if I could do it over, just take off the bumper so you can get the exact fitment you want. It takes literally 15 minutes to take of the front bumper. I installed with front bumper in place and the fitment is good but not exactly how I'd like it.


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C-mod grill. google it.


Nice, plug and play!


One thing I noticed with these and the OE mesh grill is that most of the aftermarket grills are flat while the OE mesh is not flat, it has a slightly raised middle portion as it follows the countour of the hood.


Not really seen from afar but it's a nice detail.

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Here are some pictures: https://imgur.com/a/KdEgBcG I couldn't get them to upload onto the forum for some reason but Imgur works I guess.


Flush mount is really the only option. In my pictures, I set the grill in and pushed it back a little until it was snug and would not fall out when I let go.


I will be replacing the bumper skin, so I'm not going to bother installing it in this bumper. I'm a little undecided about whether it hides the intercooler enough for me, I may end up painting it black.


Also, mine didn't have the Grillcraft emblem on it, so no worries there.

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It looks great on the car, I like the pattern.

I see what you mean about it not hiding the intercooler much. I think the black would look good and make it look more like a shadow down there. I guess it would look a bit more like the engine grill too.

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