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Rough road rattle from front wheel


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2015 3.6R 27K miles -

When I drive over a brick road, train tracks or anything that is not totally smooth pavement, I hear a rattle in the front wheel. It sounds to me like the front drivers side, but might be passenger side as well.

My friend has a Dodge Dart (that he hates by the way) and his rattles just like my Subaru, and he says that it's faulty struts.

My car doesn't steer funny, isn't out of alignment, has passed inspection every year and the dealer hasn't said anything when I've taken it in for service (tire rotation and oil change). I hesitate to ask the dealer to check it out for fear that they'll find something, accuse me of it and charge me to fix it. (It's a lease, due in June 2018)

Anyone else have this issue? Could it be a strut?

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