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OCD - Ever hear of this product?

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Zaino is a good product, but the fanatical followers turn a lot of people off. Anyone who says "This is the best stuff in the world and there will never be anything better" should be regarded cautiously. A closed mind like that isn't the most objective. I've heard from way too many people that Zaino is the best, but when asked questions about what they didn't like about other products they really can't give a specific answer. Most of them only use Zaino because they were told it was the best by someone else, so it must be true.


If you compare Zaino side by side with other sealants then you will definitely see why people like it. It is incredibly glossy. I call it 'plasticy' because it looks more like really shiney plastic than wet paint. It is an odd look for a polymer sealant in this day and age, but it is definitely impressive if you have been used to seeing warm glowing waxes up to that point. Another high point of Zaino is the insane durability. If you are the type that likes to go 3 or 4 months without waxing your car, then this is the product for you. However, I can't imagine someone who cares so little about car care to go that long between treatments, so the durability is really a moot point. The fact remains that it is extremely durable and good for winter protection if you don't like to be outside. And if you like the way it looks then there is an added bonus.


The downside to Zaino is that it doesn't really work and play well with waxes. Many users have a hard time with layering waxes on top of it. People layer waxes on a sealant to increase that glow that carnaubas have and some sealants don't. Basically if you are going to use Zaino then you can only use Zaino. It likes to be exclusive on the car.


Zaino is the only product that I can't advise taking other people's recomendations on. If someone comes at you frothing at the mouth pushing a bottle of Z2 (they don't really have easy to remember names for the products) into your hands telling you it is the best stuff since indoor plumbing, then I would be a little wary. I'm telling you straight up that it is a good product, but is it the best in the world? Not by my opinion it isn't. Personally I haven't found the best product in the world. I love my Wolfgang, but I still use Klasse in the winter for protection. I love sealants, but I'll still top that Klasse with carnauba for a different look. I feel strongly that there is no 'best' product. There is only what you like best. The Legacy GT isn't the best car in the world, but for what I was willing to spend on a car and for the features that I wanted, it turned out to be the best car to buy. It is all subjective. Remember that when you read reviews of products. By all means don't take what I say about car care as gospel. There is more than one way to skin a cat and there are certianly more than one product out there that you will find looks outstanding on your car. Zaino may be one of them. You'll have to give it a try and find out. ;)


“Cleanliness becomes more important as godliness becomes more unlikely.”

O C D E T A I L S . C O M


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Oh, and don't ever worry about wasting my time. ;) This is the first forum I check when I log on here. I love questions. I'm a trainer by profession and I feel strongly that if there is anything that I have learned, either through experience or through others, then I should do my best to pass it along. If anyone here cares about keeping their car looking good, then I am here to help. If you want to know how to replace an up pipe or turbo or anything like that... well, I'm sure there are people here for that too. ;) I'll stick to what I know for now.


“Cleanliness becomes more important as godliness becomes more unlikely.”

O C D E T A I L S . C O M


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