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Holy cow!

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Not once do they use the word 'Boxer' when describing the engine. I wouldn't buy gum from a dealership that can't properly promote the product. That is an insane markup on the car too! It should be a crime to do that...


“Cleanliness becomes more important as godliness becomes more unlikely.”

O C D E T A I L S . C O M


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Not like I read the link cuz I am too tired but if you are talking about the engine being compared to the Porsche Boxer, that is exactly what my dealer told me too. They said alot of the car is Japnese made, which I'm kinda pumped if that's true as the Japanese take pride in their work...they are perfectionists by culture.





Not once do they use the word 'Boxer' when describing the engine. I wouldn't buy gum from a dealership that can't properly promote the product. That is an insane markup on the car too! It should be a crime to do that...
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I went to the dealership today and saw that car. I live in upstate NY and didn't realize the dealership that was installing my short throw shifter was the same one that was selling it on Ebay. There asking 2,000 dollars more than the sticker price. The sticker on the car was like $35,000 and change. I personally don't think it's worth the extra money. Not that much of an upgrade from the LGT.
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Not like I read the link cuz I am too tired but if you are talking about the engine being compared to the Porsche Boxer, that is exactly what my dealer told me too. They said alot of the car is Japnese made, which I'm kinda pumped if that's true as the Japanese take pride in their work...they are perfectionists by culture.


Porsche doesn't make a Boxer. They have a BoxsTer. The link is an ebay auction for the Spec B. They talk about the 4 cylinder turbo engine, but they never call it a boxer engine. Personally that just doesn't make sense. It is like selling an RX8 and never making mention of the rotary engine. The Boxer engine is one of the reasons our cars drive like they drive. If you are trying to sell a car based on performance then that would be something good to mention. Especially if you are marking the car up a few thousand dollars.


“Cleanliness becomes more important as godliness becomes more unlikely.”

O C D E T A I L S . C O M


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That light redish interior is ugly.

It looks a lot better in person. It's actually a darker "brick red". I think the problem is that flash photography makes it look lighter (and pukier) than it really is. The only decent photos I've seen are the official Subaru pics, which are probably retouched to show the color more accurately.


Porsche doesn't make a Boxer. They have a BoxsTer.

Porsche makes boxers (i.e. boxer engines), and they've been making them for decades. The Boxster has a boxer engine, and the name "Boxster" is a combination of "boxer" and "roadster". So, I think Subaru sales people do sometimes point out that our cars have the same engine layout as Porsches.

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Merci buckets, I knew that's what the sales rep said. Same engine as the Porsche Boxter!!





It looks a lot better in person. It's actually a darker "brick red". I think the problem is that flash photography makes it look lighter (and pukier) than it really is. The only decent photos I've seen are the official Subaru pics, which are probably retouched to show the color more accurately.



Porsche makes boxers (i.e. boxer engines), and they've been making them for decades. The Boxster has a boxer engine, and the name "Boxster" is a combination of "boxer" and "roadster". So, I think Subaru sales people do sometimes point out that our cars have the same engine layout as Porsches.

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