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95 legacy manual swap.. Ecu pin ground?

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Alright guys i keep looking and not finding a solid answer.

I have the bastard child 95 Legacy L and am losing my second 4eat so I really dont feel like swapping in a 3rd one so I am planning to swap to a 5mt since it will be my commuter instead of my gfs now. I know there was some debate on which pin you are supposed to ground to trick the ecu. Anyone know which pin I need to put to ground?

As far as I remember everything else is pretty much remove the automatic parts knock out a few plugs and install the manual swap parts.

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Should be pin 81. I'm knee deep in a manual swap with my Legacy L as well, that's the pin I was going to ground. Have a PDF that shows the pinout of the ECU on my work PC.


edit: Yeah, Googling pin 81 manual transmission Subaru seems to confirm.


Awesome man thanks a lot. What year are you working on because the 95 has a totally different pinout setup compared to older and newer hence the bastard child designation.. I need to find a decent wiring pinout diagram

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