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Durability vs Appearance

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There is a lot of talk about durability of car care products this time of year. Nobody wants to be out waxing their car every weekend in December, so choosing a product that will last between freezing weather and nasty storms is important. However, there is a question you should ask yourself. Do you really intend on not waxing your car again until this product falls off? I don’t know about you, but I am out there waxing my car at least once a month. It doesn’t matter if the product lasts 6 weeks or 6 months as long as it is going to last at least those few weeks between coats. In the winter it matters a little more to me because I don’t want to be out there in the cold, but in the summer months it isn’t a concern. Think about that when you buy your car care products.


I use different products in the winter than I do in the summer. My priorities are different in the summer. I am going for looks and not durability. The protection will always be there if you are using a sealant or even a carnauba, so that isn’t a factor. Durability could matter less when I am waxing every other week in the summer, so that isn’t really a factor either. Right now my product of choice for summer looks is Wolfgang. It has a good 10 to 12 weeks of durability (as if that mattered. I’m never going to go 10 or 12 weeks without waxing my car.) and it looks awesome. There isn’t any need to wax over the top of it since it looks so good by itself. I’ve tried topping it with wax and I feel it looks better without it.


For winter I use Klasse. Klasse Sealant Glaze is a little tricky to get the hang of, but it is an incredibly durable product. It’s not a polymer sealant like Wolfgang is. SG is an acrylic sealant that is a lot more durable. We are talking 5 to 6 months durabilty. That is what I get out of it when I prep the car in October. I can tell it is still protecting when I strip it off in February or March. I usually put 5 coats on for the winter, but that is only for the looks. 5 coats is the peak of Klasse shine. The durability isn’t affected much by multiple coats. Klasse SG makes your car look like a polished rock. Since it is an acrylic sealant it is just super ultra glossy and not wet looking like most polymers appear. To take the edge off the shine I use Blitz carnauba wax. It is kind of hard to find, but it is a great winter wax that is very durable.


Think about what your priorities are when choosing your car care products. If you are just going for looks and not durability then there are some good products out there. If durabilty is king then you might want to consider others. It all depends on how often you are out caring for your car. I don’t know anybody who chooses a product like Wolfgang, Klasse, Zaino, or any other sealant that isn’t found on the shelf and then sits around waiting for it to fall off. Durabilty is great, but what does it matter when you aren’t going to let it wear out? Choose the right product for your needs. Most people will have a different process for winter detailing versus summer detailing. I’m still working on my winter prep article, but that will be done soon and I can tell you more. I just felt that the issue of durability and personal needs should be mentioned since so many of you are using sealants now.


“Cleanliness becomes more important as godliness becomes more unlikely.”

O C D E T A I L S . C O M


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+1 on the SG/Blitz combo. Been using that for with great sucess for quite a while now. With winter being pretty sucky up here, tons of salt, and plenty of snow and ice, durability is paramount.


Of course now I'm just gonna have to try Wolfgang next spring on your recommendation. I can't wait to see what the difference is.

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