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Boston Meet - 10/23


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Meet at Castle Island at 1pm


Planning on getting some local Boston area Subie peeps together on 10/23.


Plan right now is to meet up at Castle Island and then probably cruise to grab something to eat. Time is not set yet but will probably be early afternoon.


Castle Island is located at William J. Day Blvd, South Boston, MA 02127




Map: http://www.mapquest.com/maps/map.adp?searchtype=address&country=US&addtohistory=&searchtab=home&address=1862-1999+william+j.+day+blvd&city=&state=&zipcode=02127


I'd love to see some LGTs there.


1. WRC_Obsessed

2. natethomas2000 (?)

3. fzanetti

4. superhawkLGT

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Charity is not stupid dude...It's helping others that we can gather help for us when needed too!!!!


Don't worry we can try to meet again before 2006...


Have a nice trip up there...


Flavio Zanetti

Boston, MA

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It has recently been brought to my attention that the Castle Island patrol folks have a tendency to kick out "tuners" who hang out. I will cruise down there early this week to see if there are any signs posted. I don't think there are.


There is very rarely ever an issue with the Subaru community but I would ask that everyone be on their very best behavior while hanging out as well as arriving and leaving the meet. Please adhere to all posted speed limits and keep exhaust levels down. We don't want to give any one a reason to even know that we are there.

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As long as you are all set for the next Wicked Big Meet. :D


I should be all set in two weeks with all fixed, and FMIC/new turbo on and tuned Then to the winter tires/rims I go......:D


When is the next one......I thought it was warm out, so we have a while......

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