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What would be involved in trading in an '05 for an '06?

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I have only 5k on my '05 wagon, and was wondering what would be involved in trading it in for an '06, having never explored something like this before.


I assume I would take a sizeable depreciation hit. (Maybe I should just sit tight and wait for the 07s.)



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Sorry to end the thread hijack, but I've put a Magellan 760 in my '05. I'll admit it is not as elegant an installation as a factory-installed screen where the cubby goes...on the other hand, I still have access to that fabulous cubby, and can hang the Magellan in the Miata from time to time.


ProclipUSA makes three different mounts for the Leg/OB. I picked the one that goes over the passenger vent on the cubby surround, added the tilt/swivel adapter, and -- the magic -- part 215053 mounting adapter that fits perfectly on the back of the Magellan.


I had the guy at the installer use the cig adapter that comes with the unit and run the power behind the dash and out through the cubby (which closes fully, no problem, over the cord even when plugged into the Magellan), so I don't have dangling wires.


I, too, considered that KY Jelly trade-in... Now I can completely remove the nav and all its mounts when trading in the Sube...say in '08 or '09.


The mounting system should work with other navs, too. And another kicker is the ability to use the mount to hold a sat radio when I'm not using the nav. Anyway, works for me.

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