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99 Brighton BK4 2.2 issues.

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So I new to the forum, I recently grabbed a 99 Brighton 5MT EJ22 with 129k on it. I build cars quite a bit, never really got into Subarus tho.


I have some questions and concerns with the vehicle, if anything sounds familiar or you have any insight on the issues Im having I would greatly appreciate it.


The car runs well (drove it all winter), never any really issues with it driving or starting, engine seems solid, timing belt was done @ 105k. I do have an issue with what I think is either front diff or transmission. When I decelerate and downshift I hear a somewhat loud noise (kind of like a knocking but not as loud) that increases or decreases based on how fast im going. This happens ONLY on decel, accelerating I dont hear it at all. Sounds like it is coming from the front.


Another issue is if I open the gas cap i lose all fuel pressure, car stalls out. This isnt a big issue as I can just crank it over and give a little gas when i fill it up and it runs fine after it has already started. I know this means a valve is either stuck open or faulty, just trying to figure out where it would be, front of the car or on the tank....


Last issue is the dash, everything works fine except the speedo, sometimes it works and sometimes it doesnt. It is an intermittent power issue im sure. When I flick my lights from daytime to night time the speedo usually kicks in and works but will randomly drop to 0 and stay there until I do it again. I have a spare dash but I dont want to throw it in just in case its a relay issue.


No shavings found in any of the fluids, shifts and drives well, idle sometimes a little fluttery but i think that has to do with the fule pressure problem.




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so BK4 isnt the chassis code, pretty sure its just BK. I fixed the speedo with another instrument cluster, legitimately only took 10 minutes. I took off the front left wheel, hub and rotor to look at the cv joint to see if i could find the sound. nothing whatsoever, a little bit of play where the cv joint connects to the diff but not much. I took off the two covers in the back to see if there was a valve on top of the gastank that would be the cause of the pressure leak but there were no valves. I will have to trace the lines and see where the pressure would be bleeding.
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  • 2 weeks later...

OK so the Chassis code is definately BK. The fuel system was fixed by replcing my control pressure regulator on top of cylinder #3 on the passenger side. had to pull injectors and rail on the side to spin it enough to get the bottom screw of the pressure regulator (phillips head). Replaced them with 8mm bolt top screws.


Car is 100%, just posting in case someone else has similar problems now

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Thanks for posting the follow-up...doesn't alway happen.


Surprised the FPR - fuel pressure regulator was the issue. Uncommon to fail.

This, correct?


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yeah i think it was the tubing around it? Im not too sure, replaced all vacuum and the fpr. Im gonna pull the fuel tank hanger and make sure all is well there. When i removed the old fpr I could see fuel residue around the unit, making me assume there was a pressure leak.
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