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clear coat damage

Larry Goletski

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Large areas of the clear coat that is peeling up would require taking it to a body shop so it can be preped and resprayed. If we are talking about swirls then those can be polished out. If a cat slid down your hood with it's claws out then you would need to get it repainted. Lots of ways to repair lots of different types of damage. Could you be more specific?


“Cleanliness becomes more important as godliness becomes more unlikely.”

O C D E T A I L S . C O M


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If an automatic car wash caused damage that can't be fixed by polishing then you have a lawsuit on your hands. However, if you have a thousand dollars burning a hole in your pocket and want to handle it yourself, then I guess that is fine too. You still haven't really told us what the damage looks like. Are these just scratches or something else. Is this on a new Legacy?


“Cleanliness becomes more important as godliness becomes more unlikely.”

O C D E T A I L S . C O M


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If the paint hasn't been properly cared for then I wouldn't blame the automatic car wash. I've seen 6 year old cars that have clear coat failure from lack of protection. If you don't protect the paint from UV rays and then leave it parked in the sun all day, then you will definitely get problems. The owner of the car is to be blamed for clear coat failure most of the time. Does it look anything like this:






Clearcoat failure usually happens on the flat surfaces like the hood, roof, and trunk. Those are the sides that get the most exposure to the sun. It will be accelerated by a humid or wet climate. Climates with winter are a little easier on full on clearcoat failure, but they offer their own hazzards that are usually just as bad as heat.


If your friend is the type who doesn't wax the paint often enough or just assumes that stuff they spray on it at the automatic car wash is good enough, then the cause of this problem is lack of protection. You must protect your paint with something that blocks UV rays and other atmospheric contamination. Oxidation can be removed, but the only way to fix clear coat damage like that is to repaint the car. It isn't caused by one thing. It is something that happens due to neglect and usually takes several years to develop. Once it starts it will spread rapidly. What begins as a little hazy spot can take over half your hood in a year's time.


“Cleanliness becomes more important as godliness becomes more unlikely.”

O C D E T A I L S . C O M


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Thank OC Details for your photo that is very much like the damage done to this car. I don,t have a photo of the damaged car, but what you say is probably right on, being parked in the sun all day and outside all night. I live in Kenora in Northwest Ontario and we are having a snow storm today. Do you think the cold weather factor has an increased affect on damaging the clear coat? Or is it because the paint has not been protected properly?
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Thank OC Details for your photo that is very much like the damage done to this car. I don,t have a photo of the damaged car, but what you say is probably right on, being parked in the sun all day and outside all night. I live in Kenora in Northwest Ontario and we are having a snow storm today. Do you think the cold weather factor has an increased affect on damaging the clear coat? Or is it because the paint has not been protected properly?




Why did you think it was the carwash?

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It is likely all to do with neglect of the car. My climate isn't as humid as T.O., but it gets every bit as cold and snowy. Not protecting the car from the elements is to blame or else every car would look like that.


“Cleanliness becomes more important as godliness becomes more unlikely.”

O C D E T A I L S . C O M


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The only way damage like this occurs is through neglect. The clear coat doesn't detach from the base coat unless it is damaged by UV rays. All the scratches in the world won't cause this type of damage.


“Cleanliness becomes more important as godliness becomes more unlikely.”

O C D E T A I L S . C O M


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