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Employee Pricing on


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Some local dealers are advertising Employee pricing on Subarus but who knows what the employee pricing is??

This is not backed by SoA is it??

I'm guessing this is just another advertising gimmick.


Anyone have any numbers on Employee pricing on the legacy (in all various trims and 05 and 06) so we can hold dealers for their advertised word???



Example Evanston IL


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Employee pricing is Invoice + tax. not a bad deal on a 2006. if you can get it, take it.

I got offered it on my 05, but took the end of year discount instead because it ended up being more $ off.

yes it is backed by SOA, it is run by them. there is a link that your employer (i assume thats how your gettin it) has to give that you will have to fill out a form a nd pick a dealer. once you pick a dealer they send a fax top to the dealer and you get the discount. take it, its worth it!!

P.S the invoice is on the sticker!!

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. there is a link that your employer (i assume thats how your gettin it) has to give that you will have to fill out a form a nd pick a dealer. once you pick a dealer they send a fax top to the dealer and you get the discount. take it, its worth it!!

P.S the invoice is on the sticker!!


You're talking about the VIP plan? - this may or may not be the same as the price Subaru employees would receive.

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