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EJ22 overfill

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Short-ish story:


Long story short...my younger brother overfilled the oil in my EJ22 (93 Legacy) by about 1qt to 1.25qt's. We drove the car maybe 30ish miles before I checked today and found it was overfilled. I drained about a quart out and it's now sitting around the dot near the F on the dipstick.


My question is, could this have caused any sort of damage to the engine? I realize that overfilling an engine with oil isn't a good thing, however I am curious if 1qt over 30 miles could of caused any large issues.







My younger brother's girlfriends mother (Lol a mouth-full) had a 1993 Subaru Legacy that didn't run due to the harmonic balancer flying off the car while driving. She offered to give the car to my brother so he could fix it and drive it.


My brother took her up on the offer. I offered to trade my 1983 BMW 533i to my brother in exchange for the Legacy and that I would pay for the parts to fix the Subaru. A new harmonic balancer, woodruff key and timing tensioner later, the car was running. I told my brother to check the oil level on the dipstick, he indicated it was slightly below sitting on the low mark, so I told him to add a quart of oil at a time until the level was fine. Somehow he overfilled it and here I am making a post about it.


Anyways, thanks guys!

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