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Legacy back doors good for making people pay up


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So i had to go pay a visit to this guy that owed me some money and after some negotiations i used my back door to get my deal/point across. The key is to roll the window down so you can swing the door faster and not having the upper frame on the door makes the legacy back door perfect for negotiations. SOA should promote that as a selling point. I suggest only doing this on a Limited because it is easier to wipe down after - that was my reason for going with the limited.


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Hmmm... that arterial spray pattern is strangly familiar.... reminds me of what would happen if you squashed a ketsup package near an open door or perhaps in the door itself. Next time hire Guido Sarducci to do your dirty work. He does a better job of hiding the evidence. :lol:


“Cleanliness becomes more important as godliness becomes more unlikely.”

O C D E T A I L S . C O M


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Yea i don't ewven know how this happend - no eating in the car. The direction of the squirt was from under the door - alll on the bottom of the door and rocker panel so i don't know. Amazing thing is none got on the carpet!! All on vinly and leather so clean up was easy.


Do we need to ge the "Cleaner" to come over and fix that up for you?


What movie is that from?

Do you mean the Wolf from Pulp Fiction?

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Had any passengers lately? My guess is that while in the parking lot somewhere near a restaraunt you had a passenger get in the back seat and squash a ketsup pack while getting in. They opened the door, took one step forward and squoooosh! I'll bet they knew that they did it too and didn't tell you. The culprit has ketsup on their pants. That picture is from not long after it happened too. I'd say it happened that day based on the color of the ketsup.


“Cleanliness becomes more important as godliness becomes more unlikely.”

O C D E T A I L S . C O M


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yea but then there would be ketsup on the mat from the foot or somwhere down there but no just the door almost like the paket in between the door and the sill and the door popped it. It is a mystery and i spent more time and analys on how it happened then the Warren Commision - back and to the left - back and two the left - the ketsup came from the second squirter in the grassy knoll.
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u expect us to believe that one person squirted all that ketsup from some window from some rooftop...thats all scenery!!!

i used to work special ops...come to washington if you want to hear more about " why this happended, who benefitted" etc.....

and i could give u a fake name but just call me Agent X...

my fav all time movie!!!!!!

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Pulp Fiction? Nah... that was Mr. Wolf or something like that.


I belive he was refered to as the cleaner when they first needed him. And I may not be remembering correctly, and have to look this up, but didn't his front license plate on his NXS say Cleaner, or the cleaner?


I know he was called the cleaner at least one time.


But yeah back on topic the keptchup packets are my worst fear! Specially stuck so someone's show while getting in the car!



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yea but then there would be ketsup on the mat from the foot or somwhere down there but no just the door almost like the paket in between the door and the sill and the door popped it. It is a mystery and i spent more time and analys on how it happened then the Warren Commision - back and to the left - back and two the left - the ketsup came from the second squirter in the grassy knoll.


Not necessarily. The spray is at an angle that suggests that there wasn't anything obstructing the ketsup from leaving the paket. The only ketsup on the squisher would be backsplash from the door. The shoe would be clean. It wasn't squished in the sill because you can see there is spray on the sill itself as well as where the door closes. The spread of the spray is all wrong too. No... this happened on the ground. The last person to sit in the back seat of your car is the perp. They would have to be pretty daft not to realize what they did, so this was someone who was afraid of you that did it. That narrows it down... someone who doesn't want to get in trouble sitting in the back seat sometime in the last day or so...


“Cleanliness becomes more important as godliness becomes more unlikely.”

O C D E T A I L S . C O M


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I'd type some kind of witty reply here, but all of my fingers are broken.......




Very creative thread, NYCdob! :D

<-- I love Winky, my "periwinkle" (ABP) LGT! - Allen / Usual Suspect "DumboRAT" / One of the Three Stooges

'16 Outback, '16 WRX, 7th Subaru Family

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Well i pulled the suspect in for some questioning last night. I had the hot light and used my boy to play good cop bad cop routine. After an hour of intense interegation we were getting nothing, denial -denial, so the DA (my girl) made me cut the suspect loose. This one is going to be though and without the support of the DA i'm going to have to do this the Dirty Harry way.
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  • 1 month later...
Do we need to ge the "Cleaner" to come over and fix that up for you?


What movie is that from?





I think the first cleaner was Jean Reno in "Nikita" by Luc Besson - his character "Victor nettoyeur" - or translated to Victor the cleaner, then in the US remake (Point of no return / The Assassin) Harvey Keitel was "Victor the Cleaner" - who cleaned things up with some nasty acid IIRC :icon_surp

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So i had to go pay a visit to this guy that owed me some money and after some negotiations i used my back door to get my deal/point across. The key is to roll the window down so you can swing the door faster and not having the upper frame on the door makes the legacy back door perfect for negotiations. SOA should promote that as a selling point. I suggest only doing this on a Limited because it is easier to wipe down after - that was my reason for going with the limited.


We'll need to get your ID changed to "Bullet Tooth Tony" then ...


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