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td04 conversion, poor performance


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First of all let me say hi, and that I'm new to the forum and pretty new to tuning a Subaru turbo.

I have a 94 legacy turbo wagon. I drove it for a while and it was fast and performed great before I put a WRX intercooler and boost controller on it for even better power. I drove it that way for a few thousand miles before the turbo died, so I got a used turbo, took it back to stock and continued to drive it that way. That turbo also died, or so I thought as the car lost more and more power and could barely get over passes that it used to go 75 over no problem and my economy dropped 5 mpg on the highway. I bought a td04 turbo and put the wrx kit back on and the fuel mileage came back up a little, but the car remains slow, even at over 10 psi! There are no check engine lights or anything, and the overboost sensor is not doing its job as I saw 15 psi yesterday so I'm lost as to what it might be. Any suggestions and assistance would be greatly appreciated!

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The original turbo simply stopped creating more than a couple psi of boost, the replacement I got wasn't in great shape (cracked hot side when I bought it) so it didn't last long, but thankfully no detonation or chunks of aluminum in the intake. The td04 I just put in is brand new.
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No, that's getting outside of my range of knowledge and abilities. I should say too that I'm not looking for a screamer, just a daily driver that makes the same or perhaps slightly more power than it did when I bought it. Something like 10 psi and maybe 180 hp.
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I know nothing about the 94s. I assume the td04 is an upgrade of sorts? On the 05+ Lgt a boost controller should be tuned for and not just raising the boost mechanically.Also have you checked for vac/boost leaks? This should also prob be moved to the older legacy performance thread, since this is the tuning thread. And you sure no metal in the oil?
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That's good news. Was the car tuned?


Answering "no" to this is concerning.


Can you provide more information on your car? Engine? Up-pipe and down-pipes selected? Do you have a post-turbo catalytic converter (like you should)? How about a pre-turbo catalyic converter (usually bad news when they disintegrate)? What fueling do you have?


"Overboost sensor not doing its job" does not mean anything. If your mechanical system boosts 15psi, a sensor isn't going to fix that for you - a wastegate set to bleed compressed air will.


It is also pretty clear you need to do some more research. Just strapping a turbo and intercooler on "for more power" without getting a tune is likely bad news.


My guess is you've destroyed your engine, possibly broken a ringland due to pre-detonation in your cylinder because you did not have the car tuned. This would likely result in excessive oil consumption and lower compression. After the first turbo went, it is possible your oil system picked up particles from the turbo bearing assembly as well and has been pumping them through the system, destroying cylinder walls, bearing journals, etc.


Next steps would be to first check for loose vacuum lines, get a compression and leakdown test, and fix the problem for the future by researching the tune you need and the appropriate supporting components for your build.

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^ This


I wasn't going to try to dive in a explain. Figured someone more knowledgeable than myself would chime in.





* Title: Limp Mode Record Holder. Do I really need to know about personal issues? ;) I think there is a pill for that.

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No offense to 'compsurge', but the 1st Gen EJ22T cars are different when it comes to upgrades and tuning then the OBDII cars.


Suggest you get over to Legacy Central too. They specialize in the '90-'94 (1st Gen) Legacy. NA and Turbo models.


Please check your codes for those that may be hindering performance but not showing the Check Engine light = HERE . Your car is exhibiting classic cracked Knock Sensor 'limp mode' behavior.


Although I do recommend you do the Compression/Leak down test, too, There are dozens of these running w/a TD04 + TMIC (no IC from the factory), on the stock tune/injectors w/out issue. These '91-'94 OBDI models were more tolerant of these upgrades w/out causing issues.


And these are not easily tunable 'as is'. Requires the Rob Tuned or ESL board in an EJ20G ECU.



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It's pretty obvious I posted in the wrong place. I'm not new to cars, making power, or what happens when you do it wrong, and this is definitely not a case of destroyed engine.

The car is set up the same way I've seen many others of this year set up, it's just being surprisingly doggy for a td04 conversion.

Thank you wtdash for your reply, and I will make sure this thread is moved to the proper place.

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