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08 ignition in 05 will it work?


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I really would like the all in one key and key fob. i have a donor car that has 2 all in one keys that are cut and programmed to the 2009 car. the 2009 car is complete and has all parts i just need to know what parts i need to make the switch. The 2005 has an immobilizer as well if that makes any difference.
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Im not really sure what is entailed in this but if you are looking to go AIO I had one on my 05. I actually had 3 different kind of keys. I had the HEX style Key, Square style key, As well as a flip style key. All it took was ordering any one of he keys and then taking apart one of my second keys to get the immobilizer chip and place it into the new key and then have the key cut. Yes this can cost upwards of $100 depending the route you go but it would take a hell of a lot less time to do it this way then to swap the immobilizer unit.


With this being said now that I think of it just swapping those parts out will not work plug and play. The 05 and 09 has waaay different wiring diagrams. The ECU is wired different as well so it would take a lot of cutting wires and soldering as well as the pinouts of what goes where on each car. The 05 has everything wired seperately to the ECU while the 09 has a run through system. This means all the wires are directly connected to everything in the dash. 1 wire runs from the ECU to the radio then to the gauge cluster then to the ignition system then to the immobilizer system then to the fuse. It is much less complex system on the 09's. Take the 05 that same wire can come from the ECU and can then be spliced into 3-4 different wires that may all go the same route just more compl




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