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Thank you Legacy forum - Good Bye

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Well I finally sold my Legacy '05 after almost 11 years of ownership. Bought in July '04. Sold to a person who I know will take good care of the car. 213k miles with a few mods done. I really liked that car


Would not have even attempted the mods if it was not for this forum and all the helpful people on it.


Bought a Mazda 3 I for the good gas mileage. I should double my mileage which will help pay for the car. Was tempted to buy the 3speed but decided that would just put me back where I started. 20/21 MPG.


Thank you everyone on this website.


Guess I am on to the Mazda forum.


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I was a mod on the Mazda Forums a while back. I was Da 6 there. Mazda 6 was my DD while I chased down a few issues on the Leggy.





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